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July 13, 1976

Jorge Risquet to Fidel Castro

Jorge Risquet was the head of the Cuban Civilian Mission in Angola.

June 1976

Raúl Castro, Report on his Visit to Africa, 'Informe al Buró Político del Segundo Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba acerca de su visita... (19 de abril a 7 junio de 1976)'

Cuba’s minister of defense Raúl Castro reports on his visit to Angola, the USSR, Congo Brazzaville and Guinea Conakry, 19 April - 7 June 1976.

April 23, 1976

Raúl Castro, Report on Cuban Technical Assistance to Angola, 'Acerca de la necesidad de una masiva ayuda técnica (civil) a RPA'

Cuba’s minister of defense Raúl Castro recommends granting technical assistance to Angola.

May 15, 1981

Notes on Meeting between South African Minister of Foreign Affairs R. F. Botha and US President Reagan

South African Minister of Foreign Affairs "Pik" Botha and President Reagan meet in Washington, DC. South African Ambassador Sole, the note taker, interprets Reagan's friendly opening comments as "the inference clearly being that he had no illusions about democratic rule in Africa." They discuss the situation in Namibia and Angola, and their shared opposition to Soviet and communist influence in the region. Botha also asks Reagan to help South Africa's souring relations with France regarding nuclear cooperation. Botha states that "South Africa was not preparing or intending to explode a nuclear device, but[...] could not afford publicly to surrender this option."

June 15, 1977

Hungarian Embassy in Angola, Telegram, 15 June 1977. Subject: Angolan-North Korean relations

The establishment of relations between Angola and North Korea is the subject of this telegram.

April 26, 1979

USSR Embassy in Cuba, 'Informational Letter on Contemporary Cuban-American Relations'

The Soviet Embassy in Havana gives an overview of the latest developments in US-Cuban relations. While steps towards a rapprochment have been undertaken, both sides are deadlocked on the issue of Cuba's military involvement in Africa.

November 23, 1981

Transcript of Meeting between US Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig, Jr., and Cuban Vice Premier Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, Mexico City

Memorandum of conversation taken during the secret meeting between Alexander Haig and Cuban Vice Premier arranged by Carlos R. Rodriguez, Mexican Foreign Minister, in Mexico City

August 11, 1975

Raúl Díaz Argíelles to the Cuban Armed Forces Minister [Raúl Castro]

Raúl Díaz Argíelles to the Armed Forces minister Raúl Castro on the meeting in Angola with Neto and clarifications of what type of aid to provide to Angola

December 30, 1975

Letter, Jorge Risquet to Fidel Castro, Luanda

Risquet to Fidel Castro, Luanda on the high morale of Cuban commanders and soldiers in Angola

January 26, 1975

Letter from Neto to Cuban leadership, Dar-es-Salaam

Letter from Neto to Cuban leadership requesting help in setting up schools and providing military training, weapons and expertise
