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September 7, 1961

Report on the Work of the Delegation of the ALP to the 4th Congress of the Korean Workers' Party

Manush Myftiu reports on the 4th Congress of the Korean Workers’ Party.

June 20, 1961

Letter to the Albanian Labor Party Central Committee from Kim Il Sung

The Korean Workers’ Party invites the Albanian Labor Party to send a delegation to the 4th Congress of the Korean Workers’ Party to be held on September 11, 1961 in Pyongyang.

October 1976

Report on a Stay of a GDR Military Delegation in the DPRK in October 1976

Kim Il Sung and Heinz Hoffmann discuss the "axe murder" incident of 18 August, which Kim Il Sung interprets as a deliberate provocation by the Americans .

July 7, 1973

Letter from Kim Il Sung to Enver Hoxha

Kim Il Sung emphasizes the history of Korea as one single country and lays out a five point program for the peaceful reunification. He, moreover, addresses the issue of admission to the UN and underscores that only a united Korea should become a member of this organization.

June 18, 1975

Information on the Talks between Kim Il Sung and Todor Zhivkov

Todor Zhivkov summarizes his official and private talks about Korean unification with Kim Il Sung during Kim's visit to Bulgaria in June 1975.

November 4, 1974

Conversation with Comrade Pimenov, Counselor at USSR Embassy, on 29 October 1974

Summary of the meeting addressing the invitation extended by the Soviet Union to Kim Il Sung and the relationship between the DPRK and South Korea.

August 25, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 25 August 1960

The ambassador describes an August 25 meeting with GDR Ambassador Schneidewind.

January 22, 1950

Cable, Liu Shaoqi to Chairman Mao [Zedong]

Liu Shaoqi reports to Mao Zedong that the ethnic Korean officers have arrived to bring back the ethnic Koreans to Korea. To the request of the North Korean officers in bringing back the weapons ethnic Korean officers had used, Mao responds in the affirmative.

December 8, 1950

Draft Agreement by the Party Central Committee on Establishing a Sino-North Korea Joint Headquarters

The agreement establishes a Joint Headquarters between the Chinese and North Korean sides that will command the North Korean People's Army, the Chinese People's Volunteer Army, and all guerrilla forces, and details the leadership and specific powers and operations of the Joint Headquarters.

November 17, 1950

Telegram from Mao Zedong to Peng Dehuai

Mao Zedong informs Peng Dehuai and Gao Gang that Stalin has approved of a single central command led by the Chinese, and that they are now waiting to see how Kim Il Sung will respond.
