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August 15, 1956

Ministry for State Security, Main Department II, ‘Egypt’

The economic relations between the GDR and the Republic of Egypt are presented, starting with the trade agreement signed on May 7, 1953, and the exchange of consular representation. Political relations between the countries were hindered, according to the report, by pressure from the FRG on Egypt and the question of whether recognizing the GDR meant creating a deeper split between the FRG and the GDR. The report also mentions problems in meeting the export and import plans set forth in the trade agreement, including unpunctuality on the side of the GDR’s trade missions. The report states that Nasser enjoys great popularity in his country as a result of his position towards the West, social politics within the country, cooperation with other Arab countries and improvements in the industrial sector. This is followed by a detailed description of Egypt’s political situation and a proposition to extend political and economic cooperation while trying to reduce the influence of the West. Finally, the report recommends continued rejection of Israel's demands for compensation.

January 2, 1953

CPSU CC Resolution Approving the Deployment of Border Guards along the Eastern Border of the GDR

CPSU CC Resolution Approving the Deployment of Border Guards along the Eastern Border of the GDR

March 18, 1953

Draft Instructions for General Vasilii Chuikov and Vladimir Semyonov regarding GDR Control of Borders

Draft instructions of the Soviet leadership to its representatives in East Germany, advising that the SED requests for East German control of the border with West Germany are "unacceptable and grossly simplistic."

April 18, 1953

Memorandum from Ivan Turginov, 'On the Western Powers’ Policy regarding the German Question'

Ivan Turginov reports on the policies of the Western powers on the German Question. Special emphasis is given to the public opinion in western countries with regard to Western and Soviet policies towards occupied Germany.

April 18, 1953

Memorandum on the German Question, from Georgi Pushkin and Mikhail Gribanov to Vyacheslav Molotov

Memorandum summarizing the state of discussions between the Soviet Union and the Western powers on various issues regarding Germany, including political, economic and unification issues.

April 28, 1953

Soviet Foreign Ministry Memorandum, 'Regarding Further Measures of the Soviet Government on the German Question'

Memorandum on further issues regarding the German Question. The memorandum discusses further actions to be taken by the Soviet leadership in order to respond to developments in the Western controlled sectors of Germany and to increase Soviet influence with the German people.

September 16, 1991

From the Interview by the Honorary Chairman of the SPD, Brandt, with Die Welt

Willy Brandt's interview with Die Welt on unified Germany and the break-up of the Soviet Union.

September 16, 1950

Resolution of the Central Committee, September 16, 1950, to revise a diplomatic note on the question of general elections in Germany and Gromyko's note to Stalin on this matter.

Gromyko’s 14 September 1950 note to Stalin about a diplomatic note to US, UK, and France on the process for general elections in Germany; and the Central Committee’s 16 September 1950 decision to seek revision of the diplomatic note.

February 27, 1962

Note on the Discussion between Khrushchev and Ulbricht in Moscow on 27 February 1962 (Excerpts)

Discussion of economic planning in East and West Germany.

December 4, 1958

Comments on the Preparation of the Steps of the Soviet Government Concerning a Change in the Status of West Berlin

East German ambassador to Moscow, Johannes Koenig summarized information he gleaned from various Soviet Foreign Ministry officials about the process leading up to Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev’s speech of 10 November 1958 and notes of 27 November 1958, which launched the Berlin Crisis.
