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January 31, 1955

Cable from Huang Zhen, 'The Soviet Ambassador Came to Visit and Told Me the Following Issues'

The Soviet ambassador to Indonesia reported that when delegations discussed before the Bogor Conference whether to invite China to the Asian-African Conference, the Indian ambassador opposed because inviting China would cause the Western countries to consider that Indonesia had aligned with one of the two blocs in the world.

May 31, 1984

Memorandum of Conversation between Erich Honecker and Kim Il Sung

Summary of the conversation between Erich Honecker and Kim Il Sung on 31 May 1984. This is a continuation of the talks suspended on 30 May due to time constraints. Discussion of internal and foreign affairs of East Germany and North Korea, especially concerning relations with China and the Soviet Union.

January 26, 1977

Note about the Meeting with Comrade Kulik, Division Head in the CPSU CC Department, on Preparation for the Ninth Interkit and the Situation in China on 26 January 1977

Reviews the first draft of a Soviet report on "China on the Eve of Mao Zedong’s Death," which was to be handed out as joint CPSU-SED material to participants of the Ninth Interkit meeting

March 2, 1977

Informational Note from the Conference of Secretaries of Central Committees of Fraternal Parties in Sofia

Secretaries CC CPSU Konstantin Katushev and B. Ponomarov provide information on the situation in China that is discussed during a confidential meeting of CC secretaries. Addressed are issues related to the fact "that Maoism failed ideologically, caused great harm to the Chinese nation, and did an enormous devastation in the areas of economy, culture, science, and social life," and ways the new Chinese government may behave.

April 15, 1977

Informational Note on the Meeting of the Representatives of International Departments of Six Fraternal Parties

The CPSU, PUWP, SED, CPCz, HWSP, and BCP met to discuss an upcoming conference devoted to the discussion of the “Problems of Peace and Socialism.” China was another focus of the meeting, particularly the implications of the expansion of its industrial-military complex.

March 1970

CC CPSU International Department, Note on the China Problem Following the 9th Party Congress of the Chinese Communist Party

This study addresses aspects of Chinese domestic and foreign policies after the 9th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. Internal party disputes and undemocratic structures are said to characterize the Chinese leadership. The document offers an analysis of the socio-political state of affairs in China and states that the delay in economic growth is due to violations of the economic principles of Socialism. As far as its foreign policy is concerned, China is strengthening its military potential; Beijing's intensified relations with Western countries are condemned.

November 24, 1978

Security agreement between the Soviet KGB and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic Ministry of the Interior from summer 1978 - 1980

The two parties set forth their joint security strategy to manage perceived threats to state authority from the summer of 1978 through 1980. They agree to work with broadcast stations, including Radio Free Europe, to ensure they are not subversive stations and to use Czechoslovak students as agents against subversive radio stations. The parties highlight the importance of fighting Zionist and Trotskyist organizations, and make plans to cooperate to infiltrate organizations, including Jewish religious groups, that may have been infiltrated by these organizations. KGB and Czechoslovak security officials pledge to cooperate in monitoring and infiltrating international communist groups and reactionary church groups, including some associated with the Vatican, in order to detect and foil potential upcoming actions against the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and other socialist countries. Foreign religious groups active in Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union, such as Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh-day Adventists, are mentioned as potentially anti-state. Both parties agree to cooperate in order to frustrate attempts by anti-socialist parties in Czechoslovak to connect with anti-state dissidents in the Soviet Union and share information on new forms of fighting actions of anti-socialist individuals. To combat ideological diversion, the parties decide to promote scientific and cultural exchanges between the two countries. The Soviet and Czechoslovak delegates decide to implement counter-intelligence and anti-ideological diversion measures at prominent international events such as the 1980 Summer (Moscow) and Winter (Lake Placid) Olympic Games and international film festivals, exhibitions and fairs to be held in the Soviet Union. Both parties agree to monitor extremist and terrorist groups, youth organizations in East Germany, France, England and the United States and Kurdish students studying in Europe.

October 2, 1958

T. Zhivkov’s Report at the Bulgarian Plenary Session on the Middle East Crisis

A report based on military intelligence information and on Zhivkov's conversation with the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev.

August 31, 1973

Memorandum of Conversation with Robert Galley, August 31, 1973

Discussion between Galley and Blancard with Kissinger, Foster and Sonnenfeldt held in secret. Kissigner wishes to give the strategic assessment of France followed by Foster’s specific observances. Kissinger notes that the Soviets are expanding rapidly, and there is a need for a warning system. They discuss the importance of building up a deterrent, and the U.S. thinks it is feasible to assist the French in this regard. The French are asking for clarifications and information on MIRV and MRV. Kissinger discusses how these exchanges are not going through the normal channels, stressing the need for secrecy, though Congressional approval may be needed for some points, and they conclude by setting up a time for Foster to come to France.

February 3, 1949

Memorandum of Conversation between Anastas Mikoyan and Mao Zedong

Anastas Mikoyan and Mao Zedong converse about the mediation talks between the CCP and the Guomindang, Yugoslavia, coordination between the communist parties of the Asian countries, and the history of the CCP.
