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June 22, 1954

Excerpt from the Embassy Report no. 2296/1954, Registered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as 3002/1954

Members of the Romanian Embassy visit officials of the DPRK, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia and USSR to discuss various issues.

June 22, 1954

Report on the Performance of the Embassy during the First Term of 1954 (Excerpt from the Embassy Report no. 2296/1954)

A report on the Romanian Embassy's exchange with officials from the DPRK, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland and the Soviet Union.

June 3, 1978

TELEGRAM 066.712 from the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

A Mozambican delegation visits the DPRK to learn how to build a socialist society.

April 6, 1978

TELEGRAM 075.205 from the Romanian Embassy in Tehran to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ri Yong-ho informs Alexandru about DPRK's competition with the ROK in Iran and other efforts to block the ROK from becoming closer to other socialist countries.

August 17, 1978

TELEGRAM 016.734 from the Romanian Embassy in Bangui to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

While Kim Gyeon-yeon wants to reach an exclusive agreement with the Central African Republic, the Central African Republic seeks to gain favors from both Koreas.

July 17, 1978

TELEGRAM 066.793 from the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Central African Republic's Emperor Bokassa visits Pyongyang and discusses export and import plans with the DPRK.

April 14, 1978

TELEGRAM 066.621 from the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Heo Dam informs Popa of a DPRK visit to Colombo to discuss re-opening a Korean embassy in Sri Lanka and the DPRK's plans to interact with the Central African Republic.

September 23, 1978

TELEGRAM 026.023 from the Romanian Embassy in Budapest to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Romanian Embassy in Budapest reports on Japan's stance towards establishing diplomatic relations with the DPRK.

September 6, 1978

TELEGRAM 078.081 from the Romanian Embassy in Tokyo to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The ROK expresses concern over the Japan-PRC peace treaty, while Japan asserts that signing the treaty will not change its position toward the Korean question.

November 2, 1978

TELEGRAM 066.982 from the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang reports on the DPRK-Japan relationship.
