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May 7, 1978

Telegram 057.139 from the Romanian Embassy in Moscow to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Romanian Embassy in Moscow reports on improved USSR-DPRK political relations and an increase of economic cooperation between the two countries.

March 2, 1978

TELEGRAM 066.575 from the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

East Germany signs a scientific cooperation protocol with the DPRK.

January 20, 1978

TELEGRAM 066.519 from the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang reports on the planned visit of an East German delegation to Pyongyang.

May 18, 1978

TELEGRAM 066.588 from the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Kim Il Sung and Hua Guofeng are said to have discussed bilateral relations between China and North Korea, Korea's unification, and the Non-Aligned Movement.

February 2, 1978

TELEGRAM 066.566 from the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Though China is offering constant support for the DPRK government's position on the reunification issue, North Korea also seeks to improve relations with the Soviet Union.

February 28, 1978

TELEGRAM 066.532 from the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang notes that despite North Korea's policy of equidistance toward the USSR and the PRC, the DPRK in fact has tilted closer to China.

September 18, 1960

The Korean People's Democratic Republic (A Brief Memorandum)

Tugarinov discusses the division of the Korean Peninsula in 1945 and the political and economic situation in the DPRK and ROK respectively.

June 12, 1960

The Economic and Political Situation of the DPRK

The memorandum elaborates on the rapid economic growth and development in domestic policies in the DPRK after the Korean War.

August 18, 1960

The 'Chollima' Movement of Accelerate the Development of Socialism in the DPRK

Samsonov discusses the "Chollima" movement that is launched to accelerate the economic development in the DPRK.

September 15, 1960

Memo about the Economic Situation of the DPRK

This memo offers a brief description on the rapidly growing economy of the DPRK.
