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March 3, 1971

Memorandum from the Director for Federal Security, Cap. Luis de la Barreda Moreno

Using information gained in investigations into the Revolutionary Action Movement (MAR) as well as testimonies from the interrogations of Angel Bravo Cisneros and Fabricio Gomez Souza, Director for Federal Security Luis de la Barreda Moreno lists the names, pseudonyms, and addresses of suspected MAR members and the locations of Marxist schools in Mexico.

January 27, 1971

Memorandum from the Director for Federal Security, Cap. Luis de la Barreda Moreno

Director for Federal Security Luis de la Barreda Moreno reports on information gained from the interrogation of Rogelio Raya Morales, a member of the Revolutionary Action Movement (MAR). This information includes summaries of Raya Morales's activities on behalf of the MAR, names and pseudonyms of those he worked with, and descriptions of the training received by Mexican revolutionaries in North Korea.

March 1971

Memorandum from the Director for Federal Security, Cap. Luis de la Barreda Moreno

Director for Federal Security Luis de la Barreda Moreno reports on North Korean training of Mexican guerrillas. He describes how Mexican citizens headed for North Korea were given fraudulent documentation and other assistance from socialist countries and lists the names and pseudonyms of Mexican guerrillas given to him by a member of the Revolutionary Action Movement.

April 19, 1965

Minutes of Conversation between Premier Zhou Enlai and Premier Kim Il Sung

The United Arab Republic and Algeria do not support Vietnam, and Sukarno agrees to speak at the Asian-African Conference.

May 16, 1965

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in North Korea, 'Reaction to China's Second Successful Nuclear Test'

The Chinese Embassy in Pyongyang reports the enthusiastic responses of North Koreans to China's second nuclear test.

October 17, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in North Korea, 'Reactions to China's Nuclear Test'

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in North Korea describing positive responses of North Korean officials and Vietnamese diplomats in North Korea regarding China's first nuclear weapons test.

February 14, 1952

Telegram, Ambassador Wellington Koo to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Koo reports on the different opinions of American officials towards dispatching the Kuomintang's army to the Korean War.

June 28, 1950

Telegram, Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C. to Deputy Foreign Minister Yeh, President Jiang, and Dean Chen

Chinese Ambassador Wellington Koo states his opinion about dispatching troops to aid United Nation Army on the Korean War.

November 18, 1947

Letter from Louise Yim to H.E. Dr. V.K. Wellington Koo

Louise Yim writes to Wellington Koo to acknowledge the Republic of China's participation in the UN Temporary Commission in Korea.


Lê Thanh Nghị, 'Report on Meetings with Party Leaders of Eight Socialist Countries'

North Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Politburo member Le Thanh Nghi recounts his discussions with socialist leaders in the summer of 1965, just as the war in the south was heating up.
