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Report of the Polish Embassy’s Culture and Press Department

The Polish Embassy reports on the signing of the DPRK-Poland cultural agreement and highlights that the Korean press is publishing articles on Poland.

April 30, 1953

Report No. 2 of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of Poland in the Democratic Republic of Korea for the Period of 1 March 1953 to 30 April 1953

The Polish Embassy addresses North Korea's reactions toward Stalin's death, its domestic policies in line with the recommendations of the 5th Plenum of the KWP CC, and its stance towards the truce talks.

August 1, 1956

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan, 'Pakistan’s Relations with the Soviet Union and People’s Democratic Countries since March'

The Chinese Embassy in Pakistan reports on the improving relation between Pakistan and socialist countries as well as the remaining apprehension.

July 8, 1977

Telegram 066671 from the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang reports to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Wladyslaw Wojtasik's visit to the DPRK and Kim Il Sung's comments on the DPRK's bilateral relationship with the PRP.

May 31, 1977

Telegram 066623 from the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang reports to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the efforts of Poland and other European socialist countries to befriend and include the DPRK in the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance.

November 7, 1962

Note from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Note to the Polish Embassy in China on Protecting Beijing’s Rights and Interests if India Severs Diplomatic Relations with China'

The PRC requested Poland to take care of the houses, assets and archives of the Chinese embassy and consulates in India in the case that the latter announced to sever diplomatic relations with Beijing.

July 27, 1968

Warsaw Pact Military Planning: To Division General Cde. Chocha

Soviet General-Lieutenant Kozmin requests information from Polish General Chocha so that Soviet troops may pass through Polish territory.

November 16, 1956

Proposed Interim Policy Guidance for Free Europe Committee, Draft

The State Department approves with “comments and recommendations” a November 15, 1956, CIA/International Operations Division draft of revised guidelines for the Free Europe Committee (FEC) with handwritten revisions [presumably by a State official].

November 14, 1956

US Government Appraisal of Radio Free Europe Broadcasts

Cord Meyer forwards to Allen Dulles a State Department assessment dated November 13, 1956, of Radio Free Europe Hungarian and Polish broadcasts. The assessment was requested by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and was prepared by State Department official L. Randolph Higgs, responsible for coordinating RFE issues with CIA, and Meyer, who objected to an initial State Department draft.

December 3, 1956

Rethinking the Role of Free Europe Committee and Radio Free Europe

CIA/International Operations Division routing slips raise questions about an attached Free Europe Committee (FEC) draft dated November 12 on the FEC’s role in the wake of the Hungarian Revolution and note that the FEC [in New York] did not forward to Radio Free Europe Munich certain CIA guidances on broadcast policy.
