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December 6, 1978

Telegram from the Romanian Embassy in Vienna to Deputy Minister Vasile Gliga, 'Regarding the IAEA'

The United States Congress approved a document that forbids the use of US financial contributions for the IAEA Technical Assistance department.

March 15, 1972

Telegram from the Romanian Embassy in Vienna to Director Virgil Constantinescu

Regarding the safeguards agreement between the IAEA, the US, and Taiwan for civil uses of atomic energy.

February 27, 1986

Brussels to Department of External Affairs (Canada), 'Zero Option and the Europeans'

Canadian officials warned of disagreement to come between the Europeans and the Americans over the “zero option,” the longstanding proposal to reduce both US and Soviet INF to zero. This dispatch from Brussels reported “substantial unhappiness” amongst the Europeans that the United States and the Soviet Union would discuss disarmament “even if neither of them believed in it.” Nuclear deterrence had prevented war in Europe for the preceding four decades, and US-Soviet discussions of disarmament only made it even more difficult to convince public opinion of deterrence’s continued importance

March 19, 1971

Press Release from the Office of Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty

This press release quotes Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty as praising the Mexican government for its effectiveness in clamping down on Communist guerrillas trained in North Korea, action he sees as part of a broader effort to eliminate Russian subversive activity in the hemisphere.

June 14, 1980

Information about the USA's Failed Military Operation in Iran

Detailed report on the failures and proposed outline of an aborted American mission to free hostages held in the American Embassy in Tehran.

February 2, 1971

Memorandum from [withheld] for Deputy Chief [withheld], 'Recent Radio Free Europe (RFE) Broadcasts to Poland' [Declassified September 19, 2016]

CIA officials responsible for RFE question the criticism of RFE Polish broadcasts by the Polish Government, the West German Government, and the State Department and conclude that coverage of the December 1970 unrest in Poland was responsible and effective.

February 1989

Cable from the US Embassy in Moscow to the Secretary of State, 'US-Soviet Relations: Policy Opportunities'

Approaches to take advantage of the evolving political landscape in the Soviet Union to leverage and promote US interests via Soviet policy proposals.

January 23, 1989

Record of Telephone Conversation Between M. S. Gorbachev and President of the United States George Bush

Notes from a phone conversation between President George H.W. Bush and Gorbachev regarding Henry Kissinger's recent visit with Gorbachev.

January 17, 1989

Record of Conversation between M. S. Gorbachev and H. Kissinger

Gorbachev and Kissinger discuss opening up a secret line of communication between Soviet Union and the US, facilitated by Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft, and coordinating a visit between President Bush and Gorbachev in the near future.

December 18, 1970

Record of Conversation from [Chairman Mao Zedong’s] Meeting with [Edgar] Snow

Mao Zedong talks to American journalist, Edgar Snow, about the Cultural Revolution and his thoughts about the Nixon administration. Mao expressed discontent towards China's pace of development compared to the United States. Mao emphasized the secretive nature on part of Nixon in setting up talks between the US and China. Mao and Edgar also discussed the US's intentions in the Asia-Pacific region. Mao consistently claims that he likes Nixon because Nixon's "reactionary" approach to foreign policy is an advantage to China. Mao admits to Edward Snow that the personality cult around Mao Zedong during that Cultural Revolution was necessary to oppose Liu Shaoqi. Mai discusses his increasingly suspicious view towards the Soviet Union.
