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August 28, 1952

Cable, Zhou Enlai to Chairman Mao [Zedong] and the Central Committee

Zhou reports on the latest negotiations with the Soviet Union concerning the Changchun Railway, the Lüshun Port, and a rubber agreement. Zhou and Molotov also discussed the possibility of signing peace treaties with Japan.

August 18, 1952

Report, Zhou Enlai to Chairman Mao [Zedong] and the Central Committee

Zhou reports on the initial plans for his visit to Moscow and some of the conversations he's held concerning the Korean War.

June 10, 1969

Embassy of the GDR in the PRC, 'Note about the “Club Meeting” of the Ambassadors and Acting Ambassadors of the Fraternal Countries on 6 June 1969'

Notes on a meeting between the Ambassadors to China of the Soviet Union, the German Democratic Republic, Hungary, the Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Mongolia, and Poland in which they discussed a broad range of domestic and international concerns related to the People’s Republic of China including the Cultural Revolution, Vietnam, and provocations at the Soviet border. They report throughout on conversations with other Ambassadors in China.

July 1, 1960

Zhang Zhiziang, 'Lessons Learned from Ten Years of Foreign Cultural Work, Future Tasks and Guidelines'

Zhang Zhixiang of China's Committee for Foreign Cultural Relations outlines the achievements and failures of the PRC's cultural diplomacy since 1949, and gives some suggestion for future approaches.

April 3, 1963

From the Journal of A.I. Alekseyev, 'Record of a Conversation with Fidel Castro Ruz, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba, 28 February 1963'

Fidel Castro praises recent CPSU CC letters and a report that Soviet military equipment will remain in Cuba, and Alekseyev informs him of a tense interaction with the PRC ambassador and of an upcoming public report of the withdrawal of Soviet military specialists.

March 23, 1963

From the Journal of A.I. Alekseyev, 'Record of a Conversation with Fidel Castro Ruz, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba, 16 February 1963'

Fidel Castro and Alekseyev discuss the withdrawal of a Soviet military unit and potential political fallout.

August 28, 1962

Record of Premier Zhou’s Talk with Prime Minister Pham Van Dong

Zhou Enlai and Pham Van Dong discuss North Vietnam's support for revolutions in South Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos.

December 7, 1949

Cable, Zhou Enlai to Wang Zhen

Zhou Enlai responds to two cables about the activities and whereabouts of George Fox-Holmes, Douglas Mackiernan, and John Hall Paxton.

December 19, 1951

Letter, Loyd V. Steere (Minister Counselor, American Embassy, New Delhi) to Evan M. Wilson (American Consul General, Calcutta)

Loyd Steere describes the reports of the Indian Mission in Lhaasa as "the most authentic and valuable reports on conditions in Tibet."

December 5, 1965

Record of Premier Zhou Enlai's Conversation with Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Nghi

Zhou Enlai and Le Thanh Nghi discuss US military strategy in the Vietnam War.
