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October 15, 1980

Report by Permanent Representative to NATO Vincenzo Tornetta to Minister of Foreign Affairs Colombo: Atlantic Council - Consultations about security in view of the CSCE meeting to be held in Madrid"

Report from the Italian permanent representative to NATO, Tornetta, from the CSCE meeting in Madrid discusses the French proposal for a Conference on Disarmament (CDE) in Europe, and the negative impact of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan on the international climate, even giving rise to disagreement among NATO members.

December 18, 1978

Memorandum by Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 'The 1978 Ministerial Atlantic Council'

Notes from the NATO Ministerial meeting. Topics discussed included the need to "relaunch" détente, Soviet policy in Africa, US optimism about SALT, political tensions in Romania, China and the Baltics, and European concerns over Soviet medium range missiles.

May 10, 1977

Memorandum by Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 'MBFR'

This document describes the state of MBFR negotiations in May 1977, and concludes that the positions of the two sides have not moved closer to one another since the last meeting a year earlier.

May 10, 1977

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'SALT'

This document describes the state of SALT negotiations between the USSR and the US and presents two alternative proposals by Vance.

December 27, 1972

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Telespresso (Circular), 'Ministerial session of the Atlantic Council, 7th-8th December 1972'

Italian perspective on the NATO Council of Ministers meeting in Brussels that discussed the credibility of Western European defense. The document highlights the need for a unified and cohesive negotiation strategy among the allies.

October 14, 1960

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Response on Our Attitude toward Khrushchev's Remarks at the 15th UNGA'

The Chinese Foreign Ministry offers instructions for how embassies should respond to Nikita Khrushchev's speech at the 15th United Nations General Assembly.

December 15, 1957

Announcement from the Chinese Government Supporting the Soviet Union's Suggestion for Peace

The Chinese Government endorses a proposal by the Soviet Union for the USSR, the US, and the UK to halt nuclear weapons tests.

February 27, 1986

Brussels to Department of External Affairs (Canada), 'Zero Option and the Europeans'

Canadian officials warned of disagreement to come between the Europeans and the Americans over the “zero option,” the longstanding proposal to reduce both US and Soviet INF to zero. This dispatch from Brussels reported “substantial unhappiness” amongst the Europeans that the United States and the Soviet Union would discuss disarmament “even if neither of them believed in it.” Nuclear deterrence had prevented war in Europe for the preceding four decades, and US-Soviet discussions of disarmament only made it even more difficult to convince public opinion of deterrence’s continued importance


Concept Paper on Military Cooperation with Foreign (Non-Socialist) Countries for the Period 1990-1995

This concept paper addresses the need to base decisions about the nature of military cooperation on the Soviet Union’s long term goal of ending the arms race and moving toward disarmament. It also details how this decision-making should look in specific developing countries in which the Soviet Union has an interest.


Conversion of the Workforce Engaged in the Defense Industry and Related Areas

List of survey questions intended to help the International Labour Organization (ILO) determine possibilities for conversion of the workforce engaged in the defense industry as well as the broader implications of decreasing military expenditures.
