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October 5, 1950

Telegram from Gromyko to Shtykov, approved by CC Politburo

The CPSU CC approves the draft telegram from Gromyko authorizing Shtykov's request for evacuation of Soviet specialists from North Korea.

October 10, 1995

Gi Seok-bok Biography

Soviet-Korean Gi Seok-bok (Ki Sok Pok) was conscripted into the Soviet Army in August 1945 and was an important figure during the Soviet occupation of North Korea. In the wake of attacks on Soviet-Korean cadres in the mid-1950s, Gi returned to the Soviet Union in 1957.


Pang Hak-se Biography

Pang Hak-se was Minister of the Interior in North Korea until 1958.

June 11, 1965

Introductory Visit of the Soviet Ambassador to North Korea, Comrade Gorchakov, on 10 June 1965

East German Ambassador Brie reports about relations between North Korea and the Soviet Union regarding economic affairs and relations between North Korea and China. He also discusses relations between East Germany and North Korea, and gives a description of disputes between the East German and Chinese Ambassador.

May 17, 1953

Memorandum from the Chairman of the Party Control Commission Shkiriatov to G.M. Malenkov about the Results of the Party Investigation of the Actions of the Former Minister of State Security of the USSR S.D. Ignatiev

The results of the party investigation of the duplicitous actions of the former minister of State Security of the USSR S.D. Ignatiev in connection with the report of the former advisers to MOB and MVD DPRK, Cdes. Glukhov and Smirnov; calls for dismissal of Ignatiev from the CPSU.

January 31, 1950

Ciphered Telegram, Shtykov to Comrade Stalin

As a response to Stalin's willingness to talk to Kim Il Sung on the issue of offensive attack to South Korea and on Stalin's request of lead, Kim Il Sung, according to Shtykov, responded that he would like to set up a meeting with him, and that he would take necessary measures for the lead to be delivered to the Soviet Union.

February 7, 1950

Ciphered Telegram, Shtykov to Vyshinsky

Shtykov relays to Vyshinsky Kim Il Sung's questions regarding the central committee's decision to issue a loan, on whether they can proceed toward forming more infantry, and on if North Korea could use in 1950 the credit the Soviet government had allocated for 1951. In answer to Kim Il Sung's requests, Shtykov answered ambiguously, stating that more thought needs to be put in.

February 23, 1950

Telegram from Shtykov to Maj. Gen. A.M. Vasilev, Head of Soviet Military Advisory group in DPRK

Telegram from Shtykov to Vyshinsky reporting the arrival of Lieutenant-General Vasiliev and the transfer of military adviser duties from himself to Gen. Vasiliev.

March 9, 1950

Telegram from Shtykov to Vyshinsky

In a telegram to Shytykov which he then relays to Vyshinsky, Kim Il Sung writes that North Korea requests of the Soviet Union military and technical support. In return, North Korea is sending the natural resources such as gold and silver to Soviet Union. Kim requests that a

March 21, 1950

Ciphered Telegram, Shtykov to Vyshinsky

Shtykov reports on his meeting with Kim Il Sung where Kim Il Sung requests a meeting with Stalin in Moscow.
