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December 8, 1986

Proposal on the Expiration of the Unilaterial Soviet Moratorium on Nuclear Testing

Proposal to resume Soviet nuclear testing following the expiration of the USSR's unilateral moratorium on nuclear detonations on 1 January 1987. The US government continued nuclear testing throughout 1986 and did not join the Soviet moratorium. Proposes to announce the resumption of testing in December 1986 following the first American test explosion in 1987.

June 10, 1955

Central Intelligence Agency Information Report, 'The Development of an Ultra-Centrifuge at the Nuclear Institute of Manfred von Ardenne in Sinop'

CIA report describing the construction process of ultra-centrifuges in the Soviet nuclear institute of Sinop and the personnel working there.

April 4, 1958

Letter from Nikita Khrushchev to Zhou Enlai on the Prohibition of Nuclear Testing

Khrushchev writes to Zhou outlining the Soviet Union's argument for the need to halt the testing of atomic weapons, and urges the Chinese to support and agree to the ban.

March 22, 1957

Memorandum from the Soviet Government to the Chinese Government on the Arms Reduction Issue

A memorandum from the Soviet government to the Chinese updating them on the arms reduction talks, a key component of which was a prohibition of the testing of atomic and hydrogen weapons. The Soviet proposal also called for reductions in conventional weapons and the prohibition of installing nuclear weapons outside their territorial borders.

April 9, 1981

Special Assistant for NPI, NFAC, CIA, to Resource Management Staff, Office of Program Assessment et al, 'Request for Review of Draft Paper on the Security Dimension of Non-Proliferation'

Just a few months into President Reagan’s first term his administration wanted to make its own mark on nonproliferation policy. The report suggests building “broader bilateral relationship[s]” and offering political and security incentives could persuade states considering developing nuclear weapons to cease these efforts.

March 25, 1955

Information on Turkish Intelligence Interest on the Uranium Mine Buhovo

Turkish intelligence agents are trying to gather information on the uranium mining in southwest Bulgaria. They believe that the extracted deposits are shipped to the Soviet Union for further processing and production of nuclear bombs.

April 2, 1946

Protocol No. 18 of a Meeting of the Special Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Excerpt)

Special dossier containing a resolution to send a Soviet geological prospecting party to survey North Korea for beryllium.

April 25, 1947

Protocol No. 36 of a Meeting of the Special Committee under the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union (Excerpt)

Special dossier refining aspects of the geological prospecting party to North Korea, to extract "rare elements".

April 12, 1948

Protocol No. 61 of a Meeting of the Special Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Excerpt)

Memorandum of the Special Committee of the CC CPSU postponing the geological prospecting for uranium in North Korea.

April 15, 1963

Conversation between Soviet Ambassador in North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and Czechoslovak Ambassador Moravec

A North Korean colonel suggests that the Soviet Union should give advanced military technology to North Korea.
