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May 2, 1967

Telegram from L.K. Jha, 'Nuclear Security'

Discussion of drafts prepared by the Soviet Union and the US for the Eighteen Nation Committee on Disarmament.

May 5, 1975

Political Report for the Month of April 1975, L. N. Ray, High Commissioner, 'ANZUS Meeting in 1975 after the victory by the Communist forces in Indo-China'

Australia and New Zealand stress the importance of closer consultation with them on matters concerning their security and the US strategy in the entire region.

November 2, 1970

Kim Il Sung, 'Report on the Work of the Central Committee to the Fifth Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea'

Kim Il Sung's speech to the Fifth Congress of the Korean Workers' Party.

December 27, 1962

Rodger P. Davies to Phillips Talbot, 'Second Inspection of Israel's Dimona Reactor'

Summary of second US inspection of Dimona. Although inspectors "were taken to Dimona without advance notification, [and] they had spent only a short time there," they felt that "the visit was satisfacotry in that the AEC technicians could confirm that the reactor is not a power reactor but rather a large research reactor.

May 31, 1961

State Department Telegram 5701 to U.S. Embassy United Kingdom

British Embassy was informed about the contents of President Kennedy's discussion with Ben-Gurion on the Dimona reactor.

May 29, 1961

Department of State Briefing Book, 'Israel Prime Minister Ben-Gurion’s Visit to the United States'

Preparatory materials for Ben-Guiron's visit.

February 20, 1961

US Mission to the United Nations (New York) Telegram No. 2242 to Department of State, 'Eyes Only' from Reid to Secretary

Departing Ambassador informs President Kennedy that an American inspection of the Dimona nuclear facility can be arranged.


Visit to the United Kingdom of Bulganin and Khrushchev, 19-27 April 1956

UK record of discussions with a Soviet delegation including Bulganin and Khrushchev.

April 12, 1980

Address by Vice President Mondale to the United States Olympic Committee, 'US Call for an Olympic Boycott'

Vice President Mondale addresses the United States Olympic Committee (USOC), advocating for President Carter's proposed boycott of the Moscow Olympic Games in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Later that day, the USOC voted to uphold the boycott.

May 17, 1951

Letter, Lieutenant General John B. Coulter to Syngman Rhee

The Department of the Army of the United States advised that procurement in Korea should be obtained by requisition on the Republic of Korea. Several advantages by the system, and included supplies are listed. An opinion in response to the suggestion is attached.
