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April 6, 1989

Record of Negotiations between M.S. Gorbachev and Prime Minister of Great Britain Margaret Thatcher, London

Negotiations between Gorbachev and Thatcher on U.S. and British concerns, as well as Britain's cautious optimism, about the Soviet Union's perestroika and glasnost policies.

April 1989

Central Intelligence Agency, 'Rising Political Instability Under Gorbachev: Understanding the Problem and Prospects for Resolution: An Intelligence Assessment'

An analysis of the mounting dysfunction and political instability within the Soviet Union.

February 1989

Cable from the US Embassy in Moscow to the Secretary of State, 'US-Soviet Relations: Policy Opportunities'

Approaches to take advantage of the evolving political landscape in the Soviet Union to leverage and promote US interests via Soviet policy proposals.

February 1989

Cable from the US Embassy in Moscow to Secretary of State for General Scowcroft, 'The Soviet Union Over the Next Four Years'

Predictions about the next four years in the Soviet Union's evolving political and cultural landscape, including that internal protests against perestroika will dominate the focus of Soviet leadership, that perestroika and its attendant backlash will in turn redistribute funds away from military spending, and that ultimately, these and other conflicts and pressures will promulgate the collapse of the Soviet Union.

December 1988

CIA Intelligence Assessment, 'Gorbachev’s September Housecleaning: An Early Evaluation'

An intelligence analysis from the CIA covering recent changes to the Soviet Union's state structure and leadership reorganization, legal reforms, economic resource allocation, foreign policy etc. under Gorbachev's more powerful position.

August 7, 1946

Report of the Labour Party on its Goodwill Mission to the USSR

UK Labour party representatives' summary of their trip to the Soviet Union. Visiting multiple cities, the representatives discussed Soviet education, rebuilding, economic conditions, and more. The members also spoke with Stalin about improving relations between the USSR and UK.

March 18, 1975

Record of Conversation of Brezhnev with Leaders of Fraternal Parties of Socialist Countries

Brezhnev met with leaders of other socialist parties, such as Janos Kadar, Gierek, and Erich Honeker, in Budapest. Brezhnev discussed his health, negotiations with Britain on its role at the European Conference [Helsinki], his refusal to discuss economic relations due to internal economic problems, Gosplan, COMECON, the Middle East, and Victory Day celebrations.


Untitled report on a visit to the Communist Bloc

Extensive account of Cheab's visit to Budapest, Kiev, Moscow, Leningrad, Georgia, Bucharest, Sofia, and Plovdiv.

September 29, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 29 September 1960

A.M. Puzanov and Chinese ambassador Qiao Xiaoguang share information on the recent harvest conditions in both countries, industrial development in China, and the 15th UN General Assembly Session.

June 15, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 15 June 1960

Khrushchev gives Kim Il Sung a copy of Mao Zedong's statements stemming from the 1956 August Incident and the joint Sino-Soviet intervention.
