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June 24, 1969

Dossier of (Draft) Agreements between the Netherlands Council for Trade Promotion and their Japanese, Irish and North Korean Counterparts

A cover letter from Heldring of the Netherlands Council for Trade Promotion (in Dutch); the text of agreements with the Japan External Trade Organization and the Irish Export Board (in English); and a draft agreement with the Korean Committee for the Promotion of International Trade including lists of goods (in English).

June 26, 1969

Draft Agreement Between the Dutch and North Korean Committee/Council for the Promotion of (International) Trade

Draft agreement between the Netherlands Council for Trade Promotion and the Korea Committee for the Promotion of International Trade.

June 30, 1969

Memorandum of Conversation of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Relations with North Korea'

Memo on a visit by Heldring and Kroese, of the Netherlands Council for Trade Promotion, during which a draft agreement with their North Korean counterpart was discussed. Despite some specific objections the agreement in principle was acceptable to the Ministry. (The draft is the first attachment; other materials supplied for comparison by Heldring comprise the second attachment.)

May 29, 1969

Internal Memorandum of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'North Korean Economic Mission'

Heldring of the Netherlands Council for Trade Promotion has visited to inquire if the Ministry would object to the Council sponsoring a North Korean trade mission to the Netherlands in June. It did not, but his interlocutor did point out the government's opposition to any permanent trade mission.

September 12, 1969

Memorandum of Conversation Between Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Representatives of Three Dutch companies, Regarding the Establishment of a North Korean Trade Office in the Netherlands

Representatives from the companies CKH, VMF and Grenko visited the Ministry to plead for the establishment of a North Korean trade office. The Ministry remained of the opinion, also informed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, that economic and political relations with South Korea would be unacceptably damaged by such rapprochement with North Korea.

November 24, 1980

Hungarian Embassy in Nigeria, Report, 24 November 1980. Subject: Contacts between the Korean Workers’ Party and the National Party of Nigeria.

This telegram concerns the relations between North Korea and Nigeria, especially the establishment of commercial and economic cooperation.

June 2, 1976

Hungarian Embassy in the DPRK, Telegram, 2 June 1976. Subject: Visit of the president of Mali in the DPRK.

The telegram concerns a visit from the president of Mali to North Korea. Among the issues discussed was North Korea's participation in the Non-Aligned Movement and the establishment of economic relations between North Korea and Mali.

November 14, 1974

Hungarian Embassy in the DPRK, Telegram, 14 November 1974. Subject: Economic relations between the DPRK and the DRV.

The establishment of economic relations between North Korea and Vietnam is discussed. There is a reported delay in the transfer of raw materials from North Korea.

December 26, 1955

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (A Brief Memorandum)

A memorandum reviewing both Koreas' economic conditions and respective political makeups after the Korean War, and reconstruction efforts and agricultural shortages in North Korea.

August 31, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 31 August 1957

Nam Il reports to Puzanov that the KWP Presidium approved all USSR suggestions on the DPRK's draft five-year plan. They go on to discuss the commissions that exist in the Soviet Union and plans for organizing DPRK commissions. At a luncheon later that day, Kim Il Sung reiterates his gratitude for USSR consultation on DPRK economic development with Puzanov reminding the DPRK of its trade obligations.
