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January 21, 1958

Deputy Minister Winiewicz, 'Record of Conversation with the Chargé d'Affaires of Denmark, Jan. 20, 1958'

Deputy Minister Winiewicz and the Danish chargé d’affaires discuss Khrushchchev’s visit to Poland and Denmark's opinions on the Rapacki Plan.

January 18, 1958

Deputy Minister Winiewicz, 'Record of Conversation with the Ambassador of Japan on the 13th of this Month'

Polish Deputy Minister Winiewicz and the Japanese Ambassador discuss Japan's interest in the Rapacki Plan.

January 16, 1958

Code Message No. 658 from Ambassador Willman in Budapest to Rapacki

The Polish Ambassador to Hungary writes to the Polish Foreign Ministry regarding his argument against Hungary's accession to the nuclear-free zone.

January 16, 1958

Deputy Minister Winiewicz, 'Record of Conversation with the Ambassador of Great Britain on the 16th of this Month'

Winiewicz details his conversation with Ambassador Berthoud, in which they discuss Great Britain's consideration of the Rapacki Plan and Prime Minister Macmillan's public statement regarding the plan's merits.

January 15, 1959

P. Wasiluk, 'Record of Conversation Conducted on Jan. 15, 1958'

Record of a conversation between the Secretary of the Communist Party of Denmark and the Polish Embassy in which Comrade Norlund tell of Scandinavia's openness to the Rapacki Plan.

January 15, 1958

Correspondence Extract No. 549 from Washington to Comrade Rapacki

The Polish ambassador discusses American opinions on the Rapacki Plan, including both the interest and negative responses it has received.

January 14, 1958

Record on the Results of MOFA Collegium Session on Jan. 14, 1958

The Polish Foreign Ministry outlines further action on the Rapacki Plan following its rejection by the NATO Permanent Council. This further action includes introducing new elements to the Plan and keeping it relevant and up-to-date.

January 13, 1958

T. Gede, 'Record of a Subsequent (2) Breakfast on Jan. 13, 1958'

Record of talks between several ambassadors, in which they discuss the Rapacki Plan and Bulganin's letters.

January 13, 1958

Code Message No. 502 from Ambassador Gajewski in Paris to Rapacki

Ambassador Gajewski details a conversation with French Minister Pineau, including Pineau's skepticism of the Rapacki Plan, his support of carrying out talks with the East, and the importance of disarmament.

January 12, 1958

Code Message No. 454 from Ambassador Gajewski in Paris

The Polish Ambassador to Paris discusses the support for the Rapacki Plan voiced by various socialist parties at a recent session of the Socialist International, as well as the SFIO's opposition to the proposal.
