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April 29, 1954

Agreement between the Republic of India and the People's Republic of China on Trade and Intercourse between the Tibet Region of China and India

China and India put forth the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, which call for mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty, mutual non-aggression, mutual non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful co-existence.

October 1, 1949

Proclamation of the Central People's Government of the PRC

Upon the founding of the People's Republic of China, Mao Zedong claims that the "government is willing to establish diplomatic relations with any foreign government that is willing to observe the principles of equality, mutual benefit, and mutual respect of territorial integrity and sovereignty."

May 10, 1955

Report from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Comments on the Asian-African Conference from Capitalist Ruled Countries After the Asian-African Conference'

The Chinese Foreign Ministry summarizes (predominantly) Western leaders' statements about the Bandung Conference. Secretary Dulles expressed great satisfaction with the "useful and good conference," especially its role in "checking China," while Great Britain expressed strong disapproval of China's behavior at the conference and France was "shocked" that Algeria was discussed. Israel and Australia expressed regret that they were excluded from the conference.

October 11, 1956

I. Tugarinov to Cde. B.N. Ponomarev, ‘Concentering the Situation on Taiwan (Memorandum)’

August 19, 1952

From the Journal of A. Ya. Vyshinsky, 'Record of a Conversation with Zhou Enlai, Premier of the PRC State Administrative Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs, 18 August 1952'

Vyshinsky and Zhou briefly discuss recent changes in China and the positive state of Sino-Soviet relations.

June 27, 1981

Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party since the Founding of the People’s Republic of China

The Chinese Communist Party assesses the legacy and shortcomings of Mao Zedong, criticizes the Cultural Revolution, and calls for Party unity going forward.

August 6, 1946

Talk with the American Correspondent Anna Louise Strong

Mao Zedong says that "all reactionaries are paper tigers" and discusses the Chinese Civil War. He also introduces the theory of the "intermediate zone," when he states that "the United States and the Soviet Union are separated by a vast zone which includes many capitalist, colonial and semi-colonial countries in Europe, Asia and Africa."

April 24, 1945

Mao Zedong, 'On Coalition Government'

Mao Zedong defines the Chinese Communist Party's foreign policy for the post-war world, announcing that "China can never win genuine independence and equality by following the present policy of the Kuomintang government."

February 27, 1972

Joint Communique between the United States and China

The United States and China pledge to improve relations with one another in the famous "Shanghai Communique."

May 22, 1980

The Issue of the North Korean Invasion of the South

Japan and China discuss the possibility of a North Korean invasion of South Korea.
