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Cooperative Agreement between the Interior Ministry of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Interior Ministry of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for 1981

This document outlines plans for employee exchanges in the areas of: research, criminology, fire prevention, hospital management, political education and state security police. Both parties decide to exchange publications on security, criminology, subversive activities in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, fire prevention and the Soviet military, all designated by title and number of copies.

October 23, 1981

Cooperative Agreement between the Interior Ministry of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Soviet KGB for the summer of 1981 - 1985

The two parties consent to assist each other in the surveillance of goods going between the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Soviet Union, letters going between the two countries and from them to capitalist countries, correspondence sent from Czechoslovak or Soviet citizens to people who recently arrived from capitalist countries, the mailing of anti-socialist materials sent through the two nations and mail involving anti-socialist propaganda sent to either country from capitalist countries. Both parties also agree to exchange information on ways subversives use the post to their advantage and how each country’s officials monitor post suspected of containing ideologically injurious material.

June 19, 1953

Polish Ministry of State Security Action Memoranda, to Regional Branches Outlining Steps to be Taken to Limit Spillover of Events in East Germany

The Polish Ministry of State Security orders all district heads to take measures to limit spill-over effects of the East German uprising. Regional offices are instructed to increase surveillance of ethnic Germans and “revisionist” elements.

June 19, 1953

Minutes of Discussion at the 150th Meeting of the National Security Council, 18 June 1953

The US National Security Council discusses recent release of prisoners of war in South Korea. The riots and disturbances in East Germany and Czechoslovakia are discussed in the context of the general “softening” of Soviet policy. The Council also discusses the possibility of a four-power meeting, and other alternative courses of action.

March 11, 1953

Memorandum of Discussion at the 136th Meeting of the National Security Council

The US National Security Council discusses the effect that Stalin’s death had on Soviet policy and on Communist Parties outside of the USSR, as well as the opportunity it provided the US to use Stalin’s death in a psychological strategy to influence the Soviets. The Council also discusses the possibility of negotiations for a settlement with the Soviets in Korea.

April 26, 1949

Secret Daily Information Bulletin for the Prime Minister Georgi Dimitrov, communicated from Sofia to Moscow

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the Internal Affairs create an informational bulletin on the domestic political developments.

November 28, 1945

Beria’s Cover Memo to Stalin on Niels Bohr

Memo to Stalin discussing Beria’s efforts to obtain information from physicist Niels Bohr about development of the atomic bomb.

December 1945

Kurchatov’s Evaluation of Niels Bohr's Questioning

Evaluation by the scientific director of the Soviet nuclear project, Igor Kurchatov, of the interview with Niels Bohr.

November 28, 1945

The Interrogation of Niels Bohr

At the end of October 1945 two NDVD employees of the “S” Department for atomic intelligence activities were sent to Denmark to establish contact and speak with Niels Bohr. They managed to meet Bohr at his institute twice, on 14 and 16 November 1945, and obtained answers to 22 questions on constructing a nuclear reactor and the atomic bomb.

November 14, 1984

Protocol resulting from discussions between the Interior Ministry of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the KGB of the Soviet Union

Both parties discuss the detection of and preparation for a surprise nuclear rocket attack by the USA on socialist countries, the intentions of the main hostile countries- the USA, other NATO countries, the People’s Republic of China- and cooperation to fight ideological diversion from hostile countries and emigrant populations. The two also agree to economic, tourism and cultural exchanges.
