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April 10, 1971

MAE Cable on US-France cooperation for uranium enrichment

Note on CEA CEO A. Giraud visit to the US to explore chances of US-French cooperation in the realm of uranium enrichment.

July 2, 1970

Note by CNEN on Italian delegation's visit to France

Report by CNEN on the visit by CNEN personnel and industrial experts to CEA plants and French facilities for uranium-enrichment.

March 25, 1974

Letter from Albonetti to GA

Letter from CNEN's Achille Albonetti to Andreotti on nuclear-powered ship “Enrico Fermi” and prospective cooperation with France over nuclear-armed ships.

September 21, 1971

Note from CNEN Vice-President to MIC on NPN

Note from CNEN Vice-President regarding emerging problems with NPN project, Enrico Fermi ship and issue of contract with french nuclear agency (CEA) for the supply of nuclear fuel. Annex Missing.

September 6, 1964

Note by MD Cabinet on Von Hassel Declaration

Note on declaration by FRG Defense Minister Von Hassel on Italy's position vis-à-vis MLF. Annexes missing.

April 17, 1963

MAE Cable Report on French Position on MLF

Report by italian representative to the Atlantic Council A. Alessandrini on objections by French representativ to NATO MLF.

April 7, 1967

US Embassy Paris Telegram 15735 to State Department, 'Vice President’s Visit: Meeting with General de Gaulle on April 7 – Nonproliferation Treaty'

During his meeting with French president de Gaulle, Vice President Humphrey said that Washington knew the “French position” of opposition to the NPT, but wanted to know what de Gaulle thought the “German attitude” should be.

May 22, 1964

State Department Executive Secretary Benjamin H. Read to National Security Adviser McGeorge Bundy, 'NSAM 241 on Report on French Gaseous Diffusion Plant'

Noting that the situation that gave rise to NSAM 41 had improved, Read informed Bundy that intelligence reporting would continue but he wanted permission to stop work responsive to the NSAM. There had been “no indication of any attempts by the French to enlist German or Italian cooperation in the Pierrrelatte project.”

May 12, 1964

Memorandum of Conversation between Secretary of State Dean Rusk, UK Foreign Secretary Butler, and French Foreign Minister Couve de Murville, 'Tripartite Discussion of Non-Dissemination'

In this discussion between Rusk and the British and French Foreign Ministers, the three discuss a proposed British nonproliferation declaration. Rusk had no objection but Couve de Murville found the declaration “patronizing” because it said “in effect that we [nuclear weapons states] are sinners and don’t want others to join us in sin.”

July 5, 1963

Secretary of State Rusk to the President, 'Interim Reply to Your Memorandum of May 30, 1963, for Holders of NSAM 241'

In this memorandum, Secretary of State Rusk noted Minister Lenz’s denials of any German connection with Pierrelatte or any interest in supporting the French weapons program. He declared that the agencies would continue “reviewing allied attitudes toward the Pierrelatte project and possible measures for inhibiting bilateral cooperation.”
