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October 25, 1962

Cable from Soviet ambassador to the US Dobrynin to USSR Foreign Ministry (1)

Dobrynin relays that Russian journalist overheard information about a possible US invasion of Cuba at the press club in Washington.

October 28, 1962

Memorandum from S. P. Ivanov and R. Malinovsky to N. S. Khrushchev

Malinovsky and S.P. Ivanov report the shooting down of an American aircraft, which had taken surveillance pictures of the disposition of troops on Cuba.

September 7, 1962

Telegram of Soviet Ambassador to Cuba A.I. Alekseev to the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alekseev sends a report on the nature of anti-Cuban propaganda and actions taken by the American government in United States and Latin America

September 11, 1962

Telegram from Soviet Ambassador to Cuba Alekseev to the USSR MFA

Alekseev reports on a conversation with Raul Castro where Castro reinforces the strength of the Soviet-Cuban relationship.

October 20, 1962

Telegram from Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko to the CC CPSU

Gromyko relays the results of a meeting with Dean Rusk where the two discuss Cuba, issues in Latin America and American acts or aggression toward Cuba.

October 22, 1962

Telegram from Soviet Ambassador to Cuba Alekseev to the USSR MFA

Alekseev’s response to the US threats toward Cuba.

January 1968

Polish-Soviet Talks in Lansk

Excerpts related to China from the Polish-Soviet talks of January 1968. Gomulka and Brezhnev agree that the "China issue will be the most difficult one during the consultative meeting in Budapest."

May 24, 1962

R. Malinovsky and M. Zakharov, Memorandum on Deployment of Soviet Forces to Cuba

Zakharov and Malinovsky send to Khrushchev the Ministry of Defense’s proposal to send troops and supplies to Cuba. Zakharov and Malinovsky give further detail as to the nature of material to be sent to Cuba and a timetable for building launch pads and assembling missiles.

May 24, 1962

Untitled Notes on the Back of the 24 May 1962 Memorandum from the General Staff to Khrushchev

Notes from meeting of the Presidium during which Soviet leadership decides to send a commission to Cuba and chooses those who go.

June 20, 1962

List of Troops and Commanders to take part in Operation "Anadyr"

A description of the staff and crew of the Soviet Operation "Anadyr."
