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March 17, 1980

Potential Solarz Codel to North and South Korea

This note discusses Congressman Solarz's potential visit to North Korea.

August 15, 1980

Congressman Solarz's Talks in North Korea

In his National Security Council memorandum to Brzezinski, Donald Gregg notes that Kim Il Sung appears conciliatory toward the South during his conversation with Solarz. Gregg then makes recommendations on how the US and South Korea should respond.

August 4, 1980

Records of Conversation between Congressman Stephen J. Solarz and Kim Il Sung and Kim Yong-nam

In this lengthy transcript of discussions between Stephen Solarz and Kim Il Sung, Solarz poses questions about prospects for Korea's unification, exchanges between North and South Korea, and exchanges between North Korea and the U.S. In his response, Kim emphasizes the DPRK's views regarding the necessary preconditions for unification and increased cooperation between the two Koreas. Later, Kim Yong Nam continues to elaborate to Solarz on the North Korean perspective of unification and the role of the international community in perpetrating division.

July 15, 1971

Memorandum of Conversation between The First Secretary of the Mongolian People’s Republic and the Head of Delegation of Korean Worker’s Party on the 50th Anniversary of the Mongolian People’s Revolution

Officials of the Mongolian People's Republic and the Korean Worker's Party discuss their mutual support for the peaceful unification of the Korean peninsula, obstacles presented by the U.S. and Japan, and perspectives on the Sino-Soviet split.

March 17, 1972

Protocols of the Talks between the Mongolian and the North Korean Government Delegations

Officials of the Mongolian People's Republic and the North Korea discuss North Korea's view on inter-Korean relations regarding reunification, the Park Chung Hee regime in South Korea, and their diplomatic orientation toward other socialist states.

September 24, 1987

Procedure concerning Operative Advance Notification on Cross-Border Transit requested by DPRK Security Organs

Stasi procedures for South Koreans transiting via East Germany for meetings with DPRK officials.

May 31, 1988

Stasi Advance Notification and Instructions to Border Organs

An individual example of a Stasi advance notification and instructions for a Korean transiting East Germany to meet with DPRK officials.

October 10, 1988

Note about a Conversation with the DPRK Ambassador to the GDR, Comrade Pak Yeong-chan, on 10 October 1988 in Berlin

DPRK Ambassador Pak Yeong-chan discusses Hungary's decision to recognize the South Korean government, East German-North Korean relations, and procedures for North Korean citizens traveling to West Berlin.

October 17, 1988

Letter from the DPRK Embassy to the GDR to the Main Department for Consular Affairs, GDR Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The DPRK Embassy in East Germany seeks to establish procedures and permissions for Korean citizens traveling to West Berlin.

April 6, 1989

Record of Meeting between Comrade Pak Yeong-chan and Comrade Vogel

East German and North Korean officials discuss DPRK-GDR relations, the World Youth Festival in North Korea, and security procedures for Korean nationals in Berlin.
