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September 4, 1977

Regarding President Tito’s Official Visit to the DPRK

The Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang reports to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on President Tito's visit to North Korea. The correspondence also summarizes the conversation between Tito and Kim Il Sung regarding the international communist movement, the Korean issue, and the Non-Aligned Movement.

June 12, 1979

US Department of State Cable, Korea Trilateral -- Response to Foreign Ministry Dialogue

Cyrus Vance authorizes William Gleysteen to report to the South Koreans on the proposed tripartite talks between the U.S., South Korea, and North Korea.

June 13, 1979

US Department of State Cable, Korea Trilateral - Further Discussion with Foreign Minister

Ambassador Gleysteen reports a meeting in which he broached the idea of tripartite talks taking place between the U.S., South Korea, and North Korea.

June 29, 1979

US Department of State Cable, Request for Indonesian Good Offices to Facilitate ROK and US Discussions with North Korea

Cyrus Vance reveals that Jimmy Carter and Park Chung Hee hope to rely upon Indonesia to facilitate a tripartite dialogue between the U.S., South Korea, and North Korea.

June 30, 1979

US Department of State Cable, Presidential Message

Jimmy Carter writes to Suharto on Indonesia's offer to facilitate a tripartite dialogue between the U.S., North Korea, and South Korea.

July 1, 1979

US Department of State Cable, Formal ROK-US Communication to North Korea

Ambassador Gleysteen reports on the prospects of relying on Indonesia to facilitate a tripartite dialogue between the U.S., South Korea, and North Korea.

October 26, 1979

US National Security Council Memorandum, Talks with the ROK on Contacts with North Korea

Nick Platt reports on his efforts to coordinate tripartite talks with South Korea and North Korea.

June 4, 1979

US Department of State Cable, Coordination of Initiative with President Park to Reduce Tensions on the Korean Peninsula

U.S. Ambassador to Korea William Gleysteen reports on his meeting with Park Chung Hee about the possibility of triparite talks taking place between the U.S., South Korea, and North Korea.

June 1, 1979

US Department of State Cable, Coordination of Initiative with President Park to Reduce Tensions on the Korean Peninsula

Warren Christopher reports that Jimmy Carter would like to push for tripartite talks between the U.S., South Korea, and North Korea, and instructs the Ambassador in Seoul to approach the South Korean leadership on this matter.

March 9, 1979

US Department of State Cable, North/South Korean Talks

U.S. Ambassador William Gleysteen reports on his attempts to reassure South Korea that the United States would not engage in talks directly with North Korea.
