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September 10, 1984

To Proudly Bear the Title of the Soviet Chekist, to Increase the Ideological Vigilance, to Strengthen the Discipline and Organization: Letter of the Collegium of the State Security Committee of the USSR made Public by the Order of the KGB Chairman

In a letter to its personnel and subdivisions, the Collegium of the State Security Committee of the USSR (KGB) urges operatives to become more vigilant in their work and personal conduct as the 27th Congress of the CPSU approaches and in light of raised international tensions.

January 12, 1983

V.M. Chebrikov, 'On the Results of the November 1982 Plenary Meeting of the CPSU Central Committee and the Tasks of the Party Chapter of the KGB of the USSR that follow from the Plenary Meeting's Decision and from the Speech of the General Secretary'

Chebrikov discusses the results of the November 1982 Plenary Meeting of the CPU Central Committee and its consequences for the KGB, including the state of the intelligence 'operating environment,' the aggression and intelligence work of the US and its NATO allies, and future steps of the KGB in order to produce higher quality intelligence.

May 25, 1981

Speech by Yu. V. Andropov at the National Consultation Meetings of the Leadership of the Agency and Troops of the KGB of the USSR, 'On the Tasks of the KGB in Light of the Decisions of the 26th Congress of the CPSU'

In a speech delivered at a meeting of the KGB, Andropov discusses the results of the 26th Congress of the CPSU, the state of Soviet intelligence work, and suggests areas of improvement in KGB intelligence work in light of heightened international tensions.

March 25, 1981

Report Made at the KGB Party Caucus Meeting by Yu. V. Andropov, 'The Results of 26th Congress of the CPSU and Tasks for the Party Organization of the KGP that Ensue from the CPSU Congress' Decisions and the CPSU Central Committee Report

In a report made on the behalf of the KGB, Andropov outlines the results of the 26th CPSU Congress, including the Congress' decisions on the 11th five-year plan, detente with imperialist countries, and the role and function of the KGB. Andropov approves the decisions taken by the Congress on behalf of the KGB.


CSSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Information: The Most Recent Developments in the Chinese People’s Republic and the CSSR-Chinese Relations'

Extensive account of CSSR-Chinese relations, including controversy surrounding the Cultural Revolution and Chinese extremism, anti-Soviet proclivities within the Chinese leadership, and the Chinese hydrogen bomb test on June 17th.

July 25, 1994

Decision, Council of the European Union, 'Concerning the Joint Action Adopted by the Council... Regarding Preparation for the 1995 Conference of the States Parties to the
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons'

The Council of the European Union votes to extend the NPT indefinitely.

April 18, 1995

1995 Review and Extension Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Final Document, Summary and Verbal Records (excerpts)

Opening statements in the General Debate by Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, United Kingdom, United States, Russia, South Africa, The Netherlands.

January 24, 1995

Preparatory Committee for the 1995 Conference of Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, 'Indonesia: working paper on the extension of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: Options and Action Available'

The Group of Non-Aligned and Other States presents a short working paper summarizing Article X.2 and the available options for extending the NPT.

December 27, 1994

South African Legal Opinion on Article X.2 of the NPT

Legal analysis of Article X.2, which states that after 25 years the treaty takes force (in 1970), treaty members will hold a conference to determine if the NPT will be extended indefinitely or for an additional fixed period(s).

September 15, 1994

Preparatory Committee for the 1995 Conference of Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, 'European Union (EU): NPT Extension Options and Modalities'

European Union document on legal aspects in connection with the NPT.
