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Signatures of Pacifists

Photograph of pacifist petition regarding the manufacture of atomic weapons.

January 16, 1974

Digest of Despatches: PEKING, The Prime Minister's Visit to China

Summary of Australian Prime Minister's visit to China that assesses Australia's relations with China and relations with other nations in the Pacific.

July 19, 1994

Council of the European Union, 'Joint Action Regarding Preparation for the 1995 Conference of the States Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons'

The EU Working Group on Non-Proliferation developed the first draft what later became the Council Decision 94/509/CFSP. The draft identified three decisions: to convince states outside the Treaty to join it; to encourage participation in the remaining Preparatory Committee meetings;and to build consensus for indefinite extension. The proposal was a so-called “A” Item, meaning that the Foreign Ministers would not even discuss it; they only were to approve it.

July 7, 1994

Minutes of the Meeting of the Working Group on Non-Proliferation of the European Union

In a meeting, the Working Group started to develop the wording of the Council Decision on the NPT Review and Extension Conference in 1995

June 7, 1994

Note, Greek Presidency of the Council on Working Group on Non-Proliferation of the European Union

In 1994, the European Union decided for the first time to play a role in the NPT Review Conference, with a view towards the NPT Review and Extension Conference in 1995. This note stipulated that the EU should demonstrate consensus in support of extending the NPT and persuading non-members to join the treaty.

November 3, 1973

Cablegram from the Australian Embassy Peking, 'Prime Minister's Call on Chairman Mao'

A "slow but articulate" Mao discuss nuclear weapons testing, Taiwan, and the Lin Biao affair with E.G. Whitlam.

November 18, 1957

Excerpt from the Unedited Translation of Mao Zedong’s Speech at the Moscow Conference of Communist and Workers’ Parties

December 20, 1963

Record of Premier Zhou Enlai's Calling on President Nasser

Zhou and Nasser discuss domestic conditions inside of Egypt, the Sino-Indian border war, and the possibilities for a nuclear weapons free zone in Africa and the Middle East.

December 21, 1963

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in the United Arab Republic, 'Situation of Talks between the Premier and Nasser'

Zhou and Nasser discuss the Sino-Indian border dispute, nuclear-weapons-free-zones, and Taiwan.

April 3, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Reporting the Contents of Premier Zhou's Talks with the Ambassadors of Arab Countries in China'

Zhou discusses China's relationships across the Middle East, including PRC policy toward Israel. He also reviews the proposed nuclear-weapons-free-zones in Africa and Latin America, as well as developments concerning the Non-Aligned Movement and the Second Asian-African Conference.
