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September 16, 1959

G. Zhukov to the CPSU CC

A PRC memorandum outlines supposed American plots to create “two Chinas."

March 1, 1958

From the Journal of K.A. Krutikov, 'Record of a Conversation with GONG PUSHENG, Chief of the PRC MFA Department of International Organizations'

Gong Pusheng outlines the competitions between the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China for representation in different international political bodies.


Letter to the Deputy Chairman of the Soviet Committee of the MGG, Prof. Pushkov

June 15, 1961

Record of a Conversation between N.S. Khrushchev and President Sukarno

Sukarno tells Khrushchev about his trip to China and the possibilities of Chinese annexation of Taiwan. Khrushchev says the USSR fully supports the PRC's actions. The parties also discuss the reorganization of the United Nations.

July 5, 1961

Record of a Conversation between N. S. Khrushchev and Chen Yi, Deputy Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China

Chen asks Khrushchev to go over the pressing international issues and he presents the USSR's stances on the situation in Laos, South Korea, and Cuba. Khrushchev also raises problems in GDR and difficulties in negotiations with Western powers with regards to the German question. Khrushchev also mentions Soviet plans to launch a spaceship and resume nuclear testing. The two leaders also discuss the challenges of agricultural development.

June 30, 1975

Transcript of Conversation between Zhou Enlai and Kukrit Pramoj

Zhou and Kukrit Pramoj discuss Sino-Thai relations and the overseas Chinese in Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries.

June 21, 1971

Transcript of Conversation between Zhou Enlai and William Attwood

American journalist William Attwood asks Premier Zhou whether the primary obstacle between the U.S. and China is Taiwan, how China plans to reunify with Taiwan, and how China plans to address differences in living standards after reunification. Zhou says that China's stance on the Taiwan issue is that Taiwan belongs to China and the U.S. should not to interfere in China's domestic matters, withdraw its armed forces from the Taiwan straits, and respect China's sovereignty. Zhou believes that living standards will only be improved when Taiwan reunifies with the mainland.

April 14, 1971

[Zhou Enlai's] Conversation with the U.S. Table Tennis Delegation

Zhou Enlai speaks with President of the U.S. Table Tennis Association, Graham Steenhoven, after the 31st annual World Table Tennis Championships. Steenhoven thanks Premier Zhou for inviting the U.S. ping-pong team and U.S. journalists to China. U.S. journalists ask Zhou to comment on the American hippie movement. Steenhoven extends an invitation to the Chinese ping-pong team to visit the U.S.

November 30, 1965

Transcript of Conversation between Zhou Enlai and Jean Chauvel

Premier Zhou and a representative from the French foreign ministry, Jean Chauvel, talk about the Vietnam War. Zhou voices China's support for Vietnamese people's requests for U.S. troops to withdraw from Vietnam and not interfere in Vietnamese internal issues. Zhou says that the U.S. has not comply to Vietnam's request and has on the contrary expanded the war. Chauvel agrees with Zhou that the final decision about the Vietnamese War should be made by Vietnamese people. Chauvel says that the priority should be to stop the current war and calls for a ceasefire to solve the issue. Zhou cites the U.S. expansion of troops and continued involvement in Vietnam as the cause of heightened tension in Vietnam War.

April 2, 1965

Transcript of Conversation between Zhou Enlai and Muhammad Ayub Khan

Conversation between Zhou Enlai and Pakistan President Muhammad Ayub Khan regarding the Vietnam War. Zhou says that China firmly supports Vietnamese people's war against the U.S. Zhou also states that if the U.S. forces or expands the war to China, then China will resist to the end. China will not actively start a war with the U.S. but it is prepared in the case war happens.
