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January 25, 1990

Czechoslovakia: Taking on the Secret Police

An analysis of the new government's movement to neutralize the secret police.

October 13, 1987

Ministry for State Security of the GDR, Main Department II, 'Statements on Some Regimen and Structural Issues of the Ministry of State Security of the PR China'

A report on the structure of the Chinese Ministry of State Security and the membership of the special service.

August 29, 1984

Mielke, 'Political Operative Security of the Leadership of Illegally Fighting Communist and Workers’ Parties Staying in the GDR, as well as their Covert Activities'

Head of the Stasi (MfS), Erich Mielke, orders the Main Department II of the MfS to support and monitor political operatives of Communist and Workers' parties forbidden in their home countries and staying in the GDR.

July 24, 1984

Letter, Colonel Schenk to Major General Kratsch

Colonel Schenk requests approval for a draft order aimed at educating Turkish and Iranian political operatives in covert work and suggests an MfS employee with knowledge of Turkish to Major General Kratsch.

August 28, 1984

Letter, General Major Kratsch to Army General Mielke

Note on draft order for the Stasi (MfS) to provide support to the Turkish Communist Party and the Tudeh Party of Iran.

May 17, 1984

Model for a Resolution for the Operative Responsibility in the Support of the Leadership of Illegally Fighting Communist and Workers’ Parties Currently Staying in the GDR

Resolution requesting Stasi (MfS) support for the Communist Party of Turkey and People's Party of Iran (Tudeh) through various protective measures aimed at overseeing and assisting the two parties with covert work, as well as training for foreign functionaries.

May 7, 1984

Lieutenant-Colonel Otto, 'Conversation Memo'

Notes on a conversation about Stasi (MfS) support for the Communist Party of Turkey and People's Party of Iran (Tudeh) through consultations, training, and protection for leaders living and operating in East Germany.

May 1, 1983

'Iranian Intelligence Service IRNA: "More on Espionage Confession from Leaders of the Tudeh Party"'

The leader of the Tudeh Party, Noureddin Kianouri, confesses to sharing information with the Soviet Union and using his Party to aid in Soviet espionage.


KGB, Information Nr. 2742 [to Bulgarian State Security]

The Soviet KGB seeks Bulgaria's support with "active measures" relating to the origins of the AIDS virus as well as the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).

September 3, 1986

Division X of the Hauptverwaltung AufklÀrung (HVA/X) of the Ministry of State Security (MfS), 'Plan for Common and Coordinated Active MEasures of the Intelligence Organs of the MOI of the PR Bulgaria and the MfS of the GDR for 1987 and 1988'

HVA/X of the East German Ministry of State Security seeks cooperation with the Bulgarian Internal Affairs and State Security ministries to "prove that AIDS originated in the USA."
