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May 6, 1975

Summarized Evaluation of Kim Il Sung's Visit to the PR China (18 to 26 April 1975)

A report on the visit of Kim Il Sung to the PRC, describing Kim Il Sung’s reception and the topics discussed. These include the two countries position on the Soviet Union, the role of the “Third World” and Korean reunification.

July 24, 1975

Telegram from Washington to Bucharest, No. 074.783

Buffum and Bogdan discuss the US concern regarding the upcoming coming UN general assembly meeting, in which the issue of dismantling the UN headquarters in Korea remains on the agenda, as Buffum hopes to accompany the dismantlement with assurances protecting the armistice, but is worried about North Korea's unpredictable behavior.

April 14, 1975

GDR Ambassador Pyongyang to Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Berlin

Excerpt from East German ambassador's message which mentions the increasing profile of Kim Il Sung's first wife and her oldest son, Kim Jong Il, in North Korean propaganda.

November 12, 1974

GDR Ambassador Pyongyang to Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Berlin

Excerpt from East German ambassador's message about the defection of a North Korean security officer. The officer describes the increasing promotion of Kim Jong Il as a potential successor to his father.

December 11, 1953

National Security Council, NSC 174, Draft 'United States Policy Toward The Soviet Satellites In Eastern Europe'

This report by the National Security Council discusses Soviet control over Eastern Europe, barriers to Soviet control of the satellites, and the power threat that consolidation poses to the United States. As a result, the NSC recommends that United States pursue a policy of resistance towards Soviet domination of its Eastern European satellites, and should impose pressure and propaganda to weaken Soviet influence.

November 12, 1957

Note about a Conversation with the 2nd Secretary of the Polish Embassy, Comrade Juswiak, and the Attache of the Polish Embassy, Ivankov, on 2 November 1957

During the dinner at Czech embassy, Behrens spoke about the situation in FRG. Other topics included Korean students in Poland and GDR, and the situation in South Korea.

April 6, 1968

Memorandum from Czech Ambassador Holub in Pyongyang to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ambassador Holub reports on the DPRK's increased military mobilization and propaganda.

May 30, 1984

Stenographic Record of Conversation between Erich Honecker and Kim Il Sung

Stenographic record of the first meeting between Kim Il Sung and Erich Honecker upon the former's 1984 official visit to the GDR. This is the morning session of 30 May 1984. Kim does most of the talking. Kim Il Sung discussed the economic situation in North Korea, objectives and problems of energy generation, the educational system. He asked the GDR for labor and cooperation in the education of specialists. He wanted to sign a long-term agreement of economic cooperation along with the intended friendship treaty. Kim Il Sung also evaluated the military situation in South Korea, explaining the problems of negotiations and reunification with the South. Honecker proposed the creation of an agreement towards economic and scientific cooperation between GDR and North Korea.

July 27, 1988

Information Note to International Olympic Committee (IOC) from the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations Geneva regarding the North-South Parliamentary Meeting on the 1988 Seoul Olympics

Letter from Ryang Lee on a joint parliamentary meeting of South and North Korea during the 1988 Olympic Games.

December 2, 1955

Decision by the December Plenum of the Central Committee of the Korean Workers’ Party held on 2nd and 3rd of December 1955 concerning the Criminal and Anti-Party Activities by Kim Yeol

Kim Il Sung described the "criminal" activities of Kim Yeol in Hwanghae. The Central Committee of Workers' Party decided to exclude him form the party and bring him to trial.
