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February 1963

Soviet Memorandum on the Polish Peace Initiative on Vietnam

Soviet memorandum on the meeting between US Ambassador John Kenneth Galbraith and Polish officials Michalowski and Rapacki. Describes the meeting as a sign of US weariness of involvement in Southeast Asia. Asserts that a neutralized Vietnam could be useful to the socialist countries as well.

January 21, 1963

Galbraith’s Journal Entry Account of the Conversation with Rapacki and Michałowski in New Delhi

Record of conversation between John Kenneth Galbraith and Polish officials Jerzy Michałowski and Adam Rapacki. The Polish officials note that the American campaign is encouraging the North Vietnamese to look to the Chinese for help. Galbraith calls for a six month ceasefire as a sign of good faith.

May 13, 1975

Record of Conversation between French President Giscard d'Estaing and Vice Premier of the People's Republic Deng Xiaoping: First Meeting

French President Giscard and Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping discuss the current international situation, including the balance of power between the Soviet Union and the United States and issues of European unity and security. They also discuss the current situation in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos following the fall of Saigon and the end of the Vietnam War.

May 9, 1973

Letter, Bureau de Liaison des Forces Centristes Sud-Vietnamiennes to the Secretary General

The Bureau de Liaison des Forces Centristes Sud-Vietnamiennes transmits to the Secretary General a note of the Republic of Vietnam's adherence to the Paris Peace Accords.

April 9, 1973

Letter, Bureau de Liaison des Forces Centristes Sud-Vietnamiennes to Kurt Waldheim

The Bureau de Liaison des Forces Centristes Sud-Vietnamiennes transmits a note of conversation between the Provisional Revolutionary Government and the Government of the Republic of Vietnam to Secretary General Kurt Waldheim.

November 9, 1964

Record of Conversation between Polish leader Wladyslaw Gomułka and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, Moscow

Zhou Enlai and Gomulka discuss the Sino-Soviet split following Khrushchev's removal as well as Poland's involvement in maintaining peace in Vietnam.

September 7, 1969

Minutes of Conversation between Ion Gheorghe Maurer, Paul Niculescu Mizil, Zhou Enlai, and Li Xiannian on 7 September 1969

Conversation between Romanian and Chinese representatives. Romanians note that Nixon seemed sincere in his desire to normalize relations with China, and that he believed the Vietnam issue could not be solved militarily. The Romanians believe that Vietnam should pursue the opportunity for talks. Zhou Enlai states that the widespread activity of the USSR proves that the Soviet leaders are "crazy." The Romanians affirm that they would encourage neither the USSR or China to heighten aggression with the other.

May 27, 1970

Foreign Minister, Department of Political Affairs, Asia-Oceania, Note, 'Polish Opinion about Chinese Policy'

The Secretary of the Polish Embassy in Paris offers his views on Sino-Soviet relations in the context of developments in the Vietnam War.

February 21, 1969

V.A. Zorin, Memorandum of Conversation with the head of the DRV delegation and the head of NLFSV delegation at the Paris negotiations

Zorin, the USSR ambassador to France, summarizes a meeting in Paris in February 1969 with representatives of North Vietnam and the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam (NLFSV) to discuss the on-going peace negotiations with the United States. Xuan Thuy and the head of the NLFSV delegation Comrade Tran Buu Kiem

August 23, 1966

Memorandum, P. Ivashutin to CC CPSU on US Military Attaché Colonel Fitzgerald

Report on comments made by the United States military attaché, Colonel Fitzgerald, on the Soviet Union's potential leading role in negotiations to end the Vietnam War.
