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February 10, 1965

Record of Conversation between the Chinese Ambassador to the Soviet Union Pan Zili and the Korean Ambassador to the Soviet Union Ambassador Kim Byeong-jik

Chinese Ambassador to the Soviet Union and North Korean Ambassador to the Soviet Union discussed about the foreign policies of the new Soviet leadership under Khrushchev. They exchanged views on international communist movement, as well as the Soviet Union's perceptions on the roles of the United Nations in international affairs.

September 23, 1964

Minutes of Conversation between Zhou Enlai and the Chief of the DPRK Trade Delegation Bang Tae-ryul

Minutes of a trade negotiation between Premier Zhou Enlai and the Chief of the DPRK Trade Delegation Bang Tae-ryu. The representatives discuss the self-reliance of their economies, as well as trade policies between them and with the international market.

September 19, 1963

Report from Ji Pengfei on Liu Shaoqi’s Conversation with Kim Il Sung

A brief report on the meeting between Chairman Liushaoqi and Premier Kim Il Sung on reactionary theories and policies of modern revisionism.

January 30, 1963

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Trade Ministry

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Trade sends a report on trade negotiations with North Vietnam and North Korea.

June 9, 1982

Conversation between Soviet Foreign Ministry Official Mikhail S. Kapitsa and Deputy Foreign Minister of Mongolia D. Yondon

Record of conversation between Mikhail S. Kapitsa, the head of the First Far Eastern Department of the Soviet Foreign Ministry, and D. Yondon, First Deputy Foreign Minister of the Mongolian People's Republic. They discuss foreign relations with China, Japan and North Korea. They also discuss the current situation in Vietnam, India and Pakistan, and Afghanistan.

June 15, 1964

Telegram number 306/10 from Lucien Paye

Lucien Paye summarizes the views of the Yugoslavian chargé d’affaires in Beijing on China's policies toward Laos and other countries in Southeast Asia and Africa.

September 9, 1963

Telegram number 638/45 from André Saint Mleux

Andre Saint Mleux summarizes a recent visit to China made by M. Scheyven.

February 26, 1989

Memorandum of Conversation: President Bush's Meeting with Chairman Deng Xiaoping of the People's Republic of China, February 26, 1989, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon

Conversation between Deng Xiaoping and President George Bush on Sino-US relations. Deng expressed the hope that the bilateral relationship would develop in a "new pattern" based on mutual trust, mutual support, and minimizing as much as possible mutual problems. They also discussed the continued tensions between China and the Soviet Union,

January 31, 1949

Notes by Anastas Mikoyan ahead of Meetings with Mao Zedong

Notes taken by Minister of Foreign Trade Anastas Mikoyan during a meeting with Mao Zedong in Beijing. They discuss relations with the United States and other Western powers and the nationalization of foreign-owned factories in China. Mikoyan also gave advice on developing the new Communist government in China. Noteably, Mikoyan wrote that "the path of the regime of the people’s democracies, or the path of the Russian Soviet revolution, is not quite appropriate for China. China has its own path of development."

December 5, 1969

Note on the Conversation between the Honourable Minister and the Canadian Minister for Foreign Affairs Sharp, at NATO in Brussels

Mitchell Sharp and Aldo Moro coordinate Canadian and Italian policies towards China and Taiwan.
