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February 1946

M. D. Bagirov, 'Concerning the Participation of Party, Soviet, Cultural, Military, and Other Workers of the Azerbaijan SSR in Organizing and Supporting the National Liberation Movement in Iran[ian] Azerbaijan'

Over 1,400 workers from the Azerbaijan SSR were sent to Iranian Azerbaijan and northern Kurdistan to help with the organization of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party.

June 7, 1971

Study by the Bureau of the Science and Economics Institute at the Science Academy in the Soviet Union

A Soviet report on British and American involvement in the Arab Gulf under the guise of capital investments and prospects for the Dhofar revolution.


KGB Handbook, 'Ukrainian Bourgeois Nationalists' (excerpt)

KGB handbook describing techniques for identifying, monitoring, and combating anti-Soviet nationalists movements in Ukraine.

October 15, 1952

Report to V. M. Molotov on Draft Instructions to Cde. Sadchikov, the Soviet Ambassador in Iran

Draft set of instructions for the Soviet Ambassador to Iran, Sadchikov. Indicates several areas for him to pay attention to and report on, specifically Iranian national liberation movements, the "National Front," and plans for nationalizing the oil industry. Also note that he should be especially careful to not appear as if the Soviet Union is taking a stance against Mohammad Mossadegh.

April 24, 1963

Secret Telegram from Maneli (Saigon) to Spasowski (Warsaw) [Ciphergram No. 5295]

Report from Maneli, a Polish official in Saigon, to Warsaw, on the Indian opinion of the situation in Vietnam. According to him, the Indians believe the NLF to be finished and Diem's position to be strong, while they see Diem as the one lobbying for American withdrawal.

February 16, 1978

Report, South African Department of Foreign Affairs, 'Transit Visit of Reverand Ndabaningi Sithole'

Reverand Sithole's upcoming trip to London to discuss Britain's continued support for the PF in Rhodesia.

December 16, 1974

US Department of State, Intelligence Note, 'Rhodesia: A Breakthrough Toward Settlement?'

Description of Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith's new announcement regarding the settling of Rhodesia's nine year old constitutional stalemate. Hostilities would cease and negotiations would be renewed, along with a release of all African political detainees.

February 21, 1959

Mao Zedong, 'Africa's Task is to Struggle Against Imperialism'

On February 21, 1959, in a meeting with representatives of the Union of the Populations of Cameroon and of the youths of Guinea, Kenya and Madagascar, Mao Zedong argued that Africa's task is to struggle against imperialism and that the people of various countries should assist and support African people in the struggle for liberation.

April 28, 1989

Joint Press Statement on Namibia

Press release describing a tripartite meeting between delegations from Angola, South Africa, and Cuba about troop withdrawal from Namibia. South African and SWAPO forces are restricted to their respective bases.

April 28, 1989

Press Release, SWAPO Dismisses South African Charges of Amassing Troops on Angola-Namibia Border

SWAPO press release dismissing South African claims of instigation of violence as an attempt to influence the United Nations Transition Assistance Group
(UNTAG) against SWAPO. SWAPO asserts that South Africa hopes to encourage UNTAG to let South African forces off of their bases so that they can attack SWAPO without reprimand.
