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January 29, 1970

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan, Concerning the First Full Session of UNCURK for 1970

Principal Secretary of UNCURK Zouheir Kuzbari updates Chef de Cabinet of the UN C.V. Narasimhan on the UNCURK Commission's review of major political, economic, and security developments. Pakistan's representative was absent.

November 11, 1970

Letters, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan

Principal Secretary of UNCURK Zouheir Kuzbari updates Chef de Cabinet of the UN C.V. Narasimhan on Chile's UNCURK participation, reduction of U.S. military forces, increasing number of DMZ incidents, and ROK political parties' stance on national security.

November 17, 1970

Report, UN Department of Political and Security Council Affairs, 'Ramification of Chile's Withdrawal from UNCURK'

The Department of Political and Security Council Affairs report on the impact of Chile's UNCURK withdrawal request. The report posits that UNCURK and the UN stand on Korea will be challenged.

November 16, 1970

Letter, Chilean Ambassador Jose Pinera, Concerning Chile's Withdrawal from UNCURK

Chilean Ambassador Jose Pinera announces his and the country's withdrawal from UNCURK.

November 13, 1970

Report, UN Department of Political and Security Council Affairs, 'Chile, UNCURK, and the UN Stand on the Korean Question'

The Department of Political and Security Affairs releases their prospects and suggestions on "Chile, UNCURK, and the UN Stand on the Korean Question." Considering the Marxist administration in Chile, the document outlines Chile's participation in UNCURK and potential solutions to remedy.

October 30, 1970

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan, Concerning UNCURK Participation and ROK Developments

Principal Secretary of UNCURK Zouheir Kuzbari updates Chef de Cabinet of the UN C.V. Narasimhan on the Chilean representative's absence from the UNCURK session and the situation in Korea.

October 16, 1970

Letters, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan, Concerning DMZ Incidents and MAC

Principal Secretary of the UN Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea Zouheir Kuzbari updates Chef de Cabinet of the UN C.V. Narasimhan on the armed clashes between North Korean infiltrators and ROK Army soldiers and proposal of joint measures between MAC and DPRK to alleviate tensions in the Joint Security Area.

October 9, 1970

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan, Concerning ROK Security and Political Developments

Principal Secretary of the UNCURK Zouheir Kuzbari informs Chef de Cabinet of the UN C.V. Narasimhan on the recent attacks from North Korean infiltrators, modernization of ROK military forces, and the NDP's critique on the ROK government's infringement on freedoms.

September 16, 1970

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan, Concerning Chile's Participation in UNCURK

Principal Secretary of UCURK Zouheir Kuzbari informs Chef de Cabinet of the UNs C.V. Narasimhan on the new Chilean administration's non-participation position on the Commission's work and their establishment of diplomatic relations with Communist regimes.

December 5, 1969

Letter, DPRK Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Concerning DPRK's Rejection of Korean Question Resolution

DPRK Minister of Foreign Affairs Pak Seong-cheol releases a November 19 statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The statement conveys the DPRK's rejection of the UN's Korean question resolution, request for the withdrawal of foreign troops, dissolution of UNCURK, and Korean people's self-determined resolution.
