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February 6, 1948

Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Armour)

Three representatives of displaced persons of the Baltic States bring a petition for President Truman.


Department of State, Memorandum, 'The Attitude of the United States and Other Governments Toward the Forced Incorporation of the Baltic Republics into the Soviet Union'

State Department memorandum summarizing policy toward Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia following the Soviet incorporation of the Baltic States.

November 5, 1965

Department of State, Memorandum, 'Current United States Policy Toward Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia'

Explanation of US policy of non-recognition of Soviet control of the Baltic states.

May 10, 1966

Department of State, Memorandum, 'Termination of Baltic State Representation Supported from Blocked Baltic Assets Held in the United States'

Policy recommendation to phase-out US financial support of Baltic embassies.


Department of State, Background Memorandum, 'The Baltic Question and US-USSR Exchanges'

Summary of past negotiations with the Soviet Union for cultural exchanges which include the Baltic States. The State Department wants to avoid the Soviets using these exchanges to erode the US policy of not recognizing Soviet control of the Baltics.

December 6, 1978

Telegram from the Romanian Embassy in Vienna to Deputy Minister Vasile Gliga, 'Regarding the IAEA'

The United States Congress approved a document that forbids the use of US financial contributions for the IAEA Technical Assistance department.

February 1989

Cable from the US Embassy in Moscow to Secretary of State for General Scowcroft, 'The Soviet Union Over the Next Four Years'

Predictions about the next four years in the Soviet Union's evolving political and cultural landscape, including that internal protests against perestroika will dominate the focus of Soviet leadership, that perestroika and its attendant backlash will in turn redistribute funds away from military spending, and that ultimately, these and other conflicts and pressures will promulgate the collapse of the Soviet Union.

December 23, 1965

Telegram from John F. Root, Office of Northern African Affairs, 'Subject: Bulgarian Fronting For Russian Interests in Ethiopia'

Observations by Israeli and US diplomats of the Soviet Union's attempt at indirect economic penetration of Ethiopia during the mid-1960s. The Ethiopian regime was suspicious of Soviet intervention, thus they had to resort to the help of the East European states, in this case Bulgaria.

November 11, 1956

Department of State, Incoming Telegram No. 1270

The Embassy in Vienna reports that Radio Free Europe (RFE) staff recently detained in Hungary arrived safely in Austria.

November 9, 1956

Department of State, Incoming Telegram No. 1130

Text of a personal note sent by Ambassador Bohlen to Foreign Affairs Minister Gromyko regarding an American citizen being detained in Hungary.
