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February 26, 1960

MAE-MD Joint Report on Question of Disarmament

Report of the Joint MAE-MD working group on the issue of disarmament. The report is centered on the 10 military milestones of the Italian position (reduction of budgets for the defense, of actuals and armaments, balanced disarmament, weapons and nuclear secrets, cessation of experiments nuclear, special status zones, special defensive needs of Italy, abolition of US bases, Atlantic defense). It contains comments and suggestions related to different disengagement modalities in Central Europe. Included is a letter by CSMD A. Rossi to MD Andreotti with observations on the MAE report.

June 28, 1971

Letter from Adm. Polano to GA on CIPE Meeting

Letter to Giulio Andreotti including copy of CIPE deliberations of June 4, 1971 concerning CNEN 5-year program. The letter discusses also broader nuclear and industrials issues.

October 9, 1971

Note by CSMM to MD Cabinet and PDC on NPN

Note by CSMM on Ministry of Merchant Navy's proposal to coordinate the NPN project. Includes a summary of the current state of the project.

May 14, 1974

Note by CSMM on NPN (Nuclear-Powered Ship)

Analysis by CSMM on the proposal by adm. G. Polano to employ the the NPN come centrale elettrica di emergenza.

September 1, 1979

Report by the Special Group on Control of Theater Nuclear Forces

Report by NATO Special Group to the Ministers on how to approach negotiations with the URSS on INF.

August 7, 1965

MD Note on US and UK positions on MLF

Note on MLF project elaborated by Paris standing group. It focuses on US project, British point of view, objectives of te ANF proposal, issues with the MLF and national ways to the nuclear deterrent.

September 30, 1964

Note by MD Cabinet on Von Hassel Declaration

Note on retraction by FRG Ministry of Defense of Von Hassel's declaration concerning the possibility of Italy's veto right within MLF. Annex missing.

September 6, 1964

Note by MD Cabinet on Von Hassel Declaration

Note on declaration by FRG Defense Minister Von Hassel on Italy's position vis-à-vis MLF. Annexes missing.

January 7, 1963

MAE Analysis on NATO MLF after Nassau accords

MAE analysis on Nassau accords, issue of NATO MLF, and availability of naval units for Polaris program. Includes preliminary considerations on Italian position to the Atlantic Council.

October 6, 1967

General Staff of Defense (SMD), 'Summary Report of the 2nd Nuclear Planning Group meeting at the level of Ministers of Defense (Ankara, 28-29 September 1967)'

The document reports the evolution of the meeting. Italy was there represented by the new Minister of Defense Tremelloni, the Chief of Staff Aloia, the diplomat Alessandrini (RICA) and others. Topics discussed: possible use of ADM; possible use of tactical nuclear weapons; ABM; Italian participation in military nuclear planning; information about the nuclear weapons deployed in NATO countries. Aloia believes that the discussion was fruitful, keeping in mind the complexity of the nuclear issues, that have just recently been able to count on permanent bodies appropriate to deal with them at a political level. France's negative behavior caused a postponement of the discussion about many military-political topics in the last years.
