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April 12, 2017

Oral History Interview with Nabil Fahmy

Nabil Fahmy is an Egyptian diplomat and politician who has served in various official posts in the Egyptian cabinet and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including serving as a member of the Egyptian mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva and New York and political advisor from August 1993 to September 1997.

November 30, 2016

Oral History Interview with Sha Zukang

Ambassador for Disarmament Affairs and Deputy Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva.

October 14, 2016

Oral History Interview with Jaap Ramaker

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva.

June 28, 2017

Oral History Interview with Peter Goosen

South African diplomat

December 14, 2016

Oral History Interview with Hans Blix

Blix was IAEA Director General from 1981-1997.

December 2, 1989

Notes by A. S. Chernyaev, Record of Conversation between Mikhail Gorbachev and George H. W. Bush at Malta Summit

George H.W. Bush and Gorbachev meet off the coast of Malta in a meeting that came to symbolize the end of the Cold War. While no agreements were concluded, the leaders decided to press ahead in the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START), as well as in efforts to reduce arsenals of chemical weapons and conventional forces in Europe. Bush also made a number of proposals to advance bilateral relations, including steps to normalize trade relations through the granting of most-favored nation status, efforts to bar Congressional restrictions on credits, and US support for Soviet observer status at the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).

November 17, 1994

Annex, South African Council for Non-proliferation, 'African Regional Seminar'

Report on the African Regional Seminar on the National Implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention, which was held in Pretoria in September, 1994.

November 17, 1994

Annex, South African Council for Non-Proliferation, 'Chemical Weapons Convention'

Memo stating the Minister for Foreign Affairs recommended that South Africa ratify the Chemical Weapons Convention. The Cabinet will is due to discuss the matter shortly.