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December 9, 1989

Czechoslovakia: Civic Forum a Growing Political Power

An analysis of the Civic Forum's efforts to fill the political power vacuum in Czechoslovakia.

November 26, 1989

List of Goals by the Civic Forum, 26 November 1989

The Civic Forum, the organizing voice for Czech opposition groups during the Velvet Revolution, outlines their goals for a future Czechoslovak Republic. This includes new program goals including individual rights, the political system, foreign policy, national economy, social justice, the environment, and culture.

November 19, 1989

Proclamation on the Establishment of Civic Forum 19 November 1989

The Czech Civic Forum declares its purpose for existence and addresses its primary demands for reform which should be promptly negotiated with the government.

November 23, 1989

Teleprint, 'Summary of the Demands Made by Opposition Groups Represented by the Civic Forum'

The demands for reform by the Civic Forum and the anti-communism movement in Czechoslovakia are outlined, in regards to the legal system, political system, economy, and a general re-structuring of power. The general decline in support of the CPCz and growth of support for opposition groups is apparent.

November 23, 1989

Teleprint from Jozef Lenárt, Secretary of CC CPS, to Regional Committees and Municipal Committees in Prague and Bratislava

Lenart presents information on an upcoming strike, planned by a now-unified organization of protesters called the Civic Forum. He reports the demands of the Civic Forum, explicated in their proclamation.

November 24, 1989

Speech by Premier Ladislav Adamec at the Extraordinary Session of the Czechoslovak Communist Party Central Committee

This transcript shows the Czech party elites choosing against violent repression of the mass protests in Wenceslas Square. More clearly than in almost any other Party document, the reasons for nonviolence are spelled out: such a solution would only temporarily "return calm," it would radicalize the youth, "the international support of the socialist countries can no longer be counted on," and "the capitalist states" might react with a "political and economic boycott."

November 20, 1989

Cable from US Embassy in Prague on Czech Demonstrations

Cable from the US embassy in Prague reporting that demonstrations continued over the weekend in Prague.

November 20, 1989

Cable from US Embassy in Prague on Czech Demonstrations

Cable from the US embassy in Prague reporting on contradictions in the Czechoslovak press coverage of the demonstrations' aftermath.

November 20, 1989

Cable from US Embassy in Prague on Czech Demonstrations

Cable from the US embassy in Prague reporting on the establishment of a new organization for Czech independents, the "Civic Forum," and the publication of a list of demands.

November 20, 1989

The Civic Forum’s Exposition of its Position in Public Life with a Call for Nonviolence, Tolerance and Dialogue, Prague

The Civic Forum’s Exposition of its Position in Public Life with a Call for Nonviolence, Tolerance and Dialogue, Prague
