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October 29, 1973

Personal Letter from the Head of the KGB, Yurii Andropov, to the General Secetary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev

Andropov gives his views on American and Soviet strategy vis-a-vis the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

April 2, 1956

France's Policy in the Middle East

French influence could be useful for the Arab cause, especially against Jews, based on its record of aid and nonintervention.


The Political Situation in Lebanon

Account of the importance of the President to Lebanon's policies, the stages of Lebanon's foreign policy in the last two years, and a British visit to Cairo.


The Political Situation in Lebanon

Lebanese government leaders debate military action against Egypt, and other countries scrutinize Lebanon's domestic situation.

June 17, 1958

Untitled report on Soviet-Egyptian relations

Account of Syrian Army meetings to discuss responses to Lebanon and the deployment of foreign troops.

November 4, 1957

Mounting a Coup d’État in Lebanon

Account of plans and objectives for a coup in Lebanon.

April 20, 1956

Development of Lebanon's Political Situation

While the Lebanese government favors Iraq and the British, it faces pressure to support Egyptian-Syrian-Saudi policies, and an opposition front is expected to form in the coming weeks.


Syria’s Position vis-à-vis Lebanon

The Syrian government and leftist leaders disapprove of the Lebanese government, Lebanese opposition leaders prepare a campaign against the government, and other Arab countries configure their policies toward Syria.

September 1957

The Situation in Jordan

An American visit to plan a fight against communism in Jordan has dangerous ramifications, including increased tension between Arab states.

April 22, 1949

Untitled report on Ḥusnī Za’īm’s visit to Egypt

Account of Ḥusnī Za’īm's trip to Egypt, rumors of an influx of arms to Djebel al-Druze
