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June 27, 1969

Embassy of the GDR in the PR China, 'Note about a Conversation of the Ambassador of the GDR in the PR China, Comrade Hertzfeldt, with the Head of Main Department in the Foreign Ministry of the PR China, Yu Zhan, on 2 June 1969'

A report on the GDR's foreign relations with countries such as Cambodia, Iraq, and Sudan, as well as with West Germany.

August 27, 1970

Embassy of the GDR in the PR China, 'Note about a Conversation of the Ambassador of the GDR in the PR China, Comrade Hertzfeldt, with the Deputy Foreign Minister of the PR China, Qiao Guanhua, on 24 August 1970 between 17:00 and 18:00 hours'

A discussion about the East Germany, West Germany, and the Sino-Soviet border conflict.

March 21, 1973

East German Ambassador in Mogadishu Herklotz, 'Note About a Conversation with the USSR Ambassador to the SDR [Somali Democratic Republic], Comrade A. Pasiutin, on March 15, 1973'

The two ambassadors discuss relations between East and West Germany, as well as Somalia President Siad Barre's trip to visit Arab states.

June 8, 1987

Stenographic Transcript of the Official talks between Erich Honecker and Zhao Ziyang

Zhao Ziyang and Honecker discuss economic and political reforms in China, bilateral relations between China and East Germany, attempts to reduce nuclear and chemical weapons stockpiles, and China's attitudes toward the Iran-Iraq War, Japan, the United States, and the Soviet Union.

June 1961

Letter from Ulbricht to Khrushchev

Ulbricht writes to Khrushchev discussing a peace treaty with Western powers. He mentions that the Bonn government threatens to repeal its trade treaty with the GDR if the peace treaty is concluded with both German states, and the economic problem this would pose for the GDR.

January 30, 1961

Letter from Khrushchev to Ulbricht, in Response to Ulbricht's Previous Letter Regarding a Peace Treaty

Khrushchev writes to Ulbricht discussing negotiations with Kennedy and other Western powers with both German states.

September 28, 1961

Letter from Khrushchev to Ulbricht Regarding the Situation in Berlin

Khrushchev response to Ulbricht's 15 September letter regarding the closing of the border between east and west Berlin. He notes that since the Western powers were tending toward negotiation rather than confrontation over the crisis, "such steps which could exacerbate the situation, especially in Berlin, should be avoided."

October 10, 1969

Working Material for the Preparation of a European Security Conference

An analysis written by the GDR's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the respective positions of European socialist states, socialist states in general, and NATO and other capitalist European states, on the organization of a European security conference, as well as guidance for carrying out the CSCE negotiations based upon an analysis of each side's perceived strengths and weaknesses

October 20, 1970

Attitudes and Measures of the Warsaw Treaty States for Convening a Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1970-1971

An analysis of the Warsaw Pact states' interests and goals in the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe negotiations, including discussion of the military, territorial, economic, cultural, and scientific-technical aspects of the negotiations.

December 31, 1954

Report on the Specialists returning from the Soviet Union

Report on the return of German scientists from the Soviet Union. The report informs the SED leadership which of the German scientists desire to return to the West and which will stay in the East. The report also discusses the political atitudes of the scientists. It makes suggestions as to ways to secure their cooperation with the East German government.
