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May 26, 1988

Transcript of an Armed Forces General Command meeting on the Iran-Iraq War and Al-Faw

This file contains records of meetings involving Saddam Hussein and various advisers during the Iran-Iraq War. They discuss military and diplomatic aspects of the war, the morale of the soldiers, and Iranian attempts to seize the Fao peninsula. They also discuss the Kurds and Iraqi battle preparations.

June 1988

Saddam and Senior Advisers Discussing Iraq's Stance toward International Law, Relations with Turkey, Kurdish Autonomy, and Other Issues

Transcript of a meeting between Saddam Hussein and unidentified Iraqi diplomats. The meeting was held to revise a statement written by Saddam to be read by the Minster of Foreign Affairs regarding how the Iraqis stand respecting international law and legislation (i.e. the Geneva protocol of 1925). The second issue they discussed was the Kurdish insurgency. Saddam wanted to discuss the issue internationally with the participation of four countries. The attendees exchanged their points of view regarding the influence of
such decisions (independence of the Kurds) in Turkey and Iran.

February 20, 1979

Saddam and High-Ranking Officials Discussing Khomeini, the Ethiopian-Eritrean conflict, the Potential for Kurdish Unrest, and the Iranian Economy

Transcript of a meeting between Saddam and some Iraqi diplomatic personnel dated 20 February 1979. The meeting's main issue was Iran and Khomeini. One of the attendants asked Saddam if there is any possibility of turbulence in Iranian Kurdistan due to the internal chaos of the Iranian government. And if so, how would it affect Iraqi Kurdistan. They talked about the Iranian economy and the Iranian army. They said that the Iranian air force contains mostly American jets and it was built on American experience. Secondly they had a discussion about Eritrea and the diplomatic relationship between Iraq and Eritrea.