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June 28, 1990

National Intelligence Daily for Thursday, 28 June 1990

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 28 June 1990 describes the latest developments in Liberia, the Soviet Union, Israel, Japan, France, Italy and Taiwan.

February 28, 1966

Memo on US NPT Proposal

Memo by A. Albonetti to GA on US NPT project. The paper focuses on the potentially adverse impact for Italy of signing the treaty. It also raises the issue of a "European clause"; suggestions for possible Italian counter-proposals to the project and consideration of the nuclear moratorium proposed by Italy.

August 3, 1965

Memo on Work of the Committee of the 18 on Nuclear Proliferation

Memo by CSMD A. Rossi on the resumption of the work of the Committee of the 18 in Geneva and the issue of non-dissemination nuclear weapons: summary of technical-military observations from SMD to MD of March 1964 on US proposal for declaration on non-dissemination, analysis on nuclear power guidelines and Non-nuclear countries; draft British and Canadian agreements presented to the Atlantic Council and reactions to alliance countries, statement Foreign Minister A. Fanfani to Geneva; US project of nuclear non-dissemination treaty, MAE instructions to amb. Cavalletti

April 29, 1983


MAE DAP memo on prospective US-USSR INF and START negotiations, Soviet position and objectives, role of Europe in promoting an intermediate solution for INF. The paper addresses also the issue of the deployment in Western Europe of Pershing II and Cruise missiles, and discusses consultation in Atlantic Council with amb. E. Rowny on European role question in START talks.

October 28, 1968

MAE Cable on IAEA Conference: Political Considerations

Report and political analysis by amb. Ducci on the IAEA Conference. The paper discusses the draft resolution presented by Italy, US reaction , USSR attitude, as well as the position of other delegations.

August 14, 1976

MAE Report on Italian Ratification of the NPT

Analysis by MAE litigation service on the scope and legal relevance of the reaction by depositary states and Australia to the Italian declaration of May 4 1975on the issue of nuclear weapons and other nuclear explosive devices.

April 10, 1971

MAE Cable on US-France cooperation for uranium enrichment

Note on CEA CEO A. Giraud visit to the US to explore chances of US-French cooperation in the realm of uranium enrichment.

November 23, 1965

Appunto CSMD US Nuclear Weapons Storing in Italy

Summary by CSMD Aldo Rossi on US-Italy agreements for the storage of nuclear weapons assigned to NATO italian units.

January 2, 1964

MAE Cable on the work of MLF Military Sub-Committee

Note by ambassador to Washington Fenoaltea the work of the Military Sub-committe (logistics, personnel, ship-building, operations). The paper contain also observations on the MLF project's feasibility.

November 11, 1964

Cable from MAE to MD on USSR comments on MLF

Note by ambassador to Moscow Straneo on comments by Soviet press regarding meetings between high-level US officials and new british Foreign Minister Patrick Gordon Walker on MLF.
