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July 13, 1979

Report on the Italian "nuclear supplies" to Iraq

In July 1979, U.S. diplomats told their Italian counterparts that it was an “American strong belief” that Iraq was pursuing nuclear capability, and they requested the Italian government to provide information on the nature of the “nuclear supplies” to Iraq. Italy dutifully complied with the United States’ demand for information and assured the US government that all supplies to Iraq were provided in compliance with the "NPT, the London agreements, and the other international regulations”

April 30, 1968

Andrei Gromyko, Note to the CPSU CC

In his note to the CPSU CC, Gromyko writes that the Soviet MFA should reach out to Pope Paul VI about supporting the NPT. As the Pope has spoken out against the arms race before, Gromyko is optimistic that the treaty will gain support from the Vatican. This would exert influence on other Catholic countries to support the treaty as well.

April 1968

Appeal to Pope Paul VI on the Question of the Nuclear Weapons Non-Proliferation Treaty

This document contains instructions to the Soviet ambassador to meet with the Deputy Secretary of State of the Vatican and notify him of confidential information that needs to be brought to Pope Paul VI. In light of mutual understanding between the Vatican and the USSR on the importance of nuclear disarmament, the ambassador is requested to ask the Pope to utilize any diplomatic means at his disposal to help bring about the quickest possible conclusion to the NPT negotiations.

April 29, 1968

CPSU CC Decree, 'On Appealing to Pope Paul VI about the Issue of the NPT'

This document relates to the following appeal to Pope Paul VI on the issue of nuclear non-proliferation.

March 22, 1968

Andrei Gromyko, Note to the CPSU CC

Andrei Gromyko describes the diplomatic measures he deems necessary to ensure the adherence of influential nations and countries in the Socialist sphere to the NPT. Valuing negotiation and diplomatic conversations between representatives, Gromyko especially seeks to obtain the support of countries who have previously expressed reservations about the treaty.

March 1968

Instructions to the Soviet representatives being sent to several countries for conversations on the draft nuclear non-proliferation treaty

Soviet representatives being sent to Italy, Japan, Mexico, Brazil, and Italy, are instructed to visit the head of state or the minister of foreign affairs and relay the oral declarations contained in this document. The country-specific oral declarations reinforce the Soviet position against the use of nuclear technology for militaristic objectives and object to proposed measures that would undermine the efficacy of the NPT.

January 20, 1964

Note on Euratom Internal Situation

Note on memorandum by J. Gueron General Director of Research and Education Euratom to MIC G. Medici suggesting to suppress national nuclear programs and to redirect Italian nuclear development either within the cadre of the European Community programs carried out at the EURATOM centers, or in association with foreign programs (French and German).

February 28, 1966

Memo on US NPT Proposal

Memo by A. Albonetti to GA on US NPT project. The paper focuses on the potentially adverse impact for Italy of signing the treaty. It also raises the issue of a "European clause"; suggestions for possible Italian counter-proposals to the project and consideration of the nuclear moratorium proposed by Italy.

March 1, 1966

Analysis of the Italian Position vis-à-vis Nuclear Proliferation Nucleare and Disarmament

Memo by amb. R. Ducci sent to MD Andreotti by A. Albonetti on problems related to the attitude of Italy with regard to nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament. The paper discusses the opportunity for Italian national policy to link non-proliferation to nuclear disarmament measures by nuclear countries and defer commitment to the NPT.

February 26, 1960

MAE-MD Joint Report on Question of Disarmament

Report of the Joint MAE-MD working group on the issue of disarmament. The report is centered on the 10 military milestones of the Italian position (reduction of budgets for the defense, of actuals and armaments, balanced disarmament, weapons and nuclear secrets, cessation of experiments nuclear, special status zones, special defensive needs of Italy, abolition of US bases, Atlantic defense). It contains comments and suggestions related to different disengagement modalities in Central Europe. Included is a letter by CSMD A. Rossi to MD Andreotti with observations on the MAE report.
