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October 7, 1977

Report on Visits to the Mongolian People's Republic and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

In September 1977, W. Jaruzelski  visited Mongolia and the DPRK. While in North Korea, Jaruzelski met with President Kim Il Sung and the Minister of National Defense O Jin U.  Although Jaruzelski did make several critical comments about the DPRK in his secret post-trip report, he still spoke in highly favorable terms about the country and generally recommended that Poland strengthen its relations with North Korea. 

Jaruzelsk's report also includes commentary on China's relations with both Mongolia and the DPRK.

October 10, 1977

Minutes of Conversation between N. Ceausescu and O Jin-u, Minister of defense of DRPK

O Jin-u provides a brief on the military developments within the peninsula, including the transfer of American defense capabilities to South Korea, tensions provoked by South Korea, and the modernization of South Korean military. O expressed North Korea's interest in broad cooperation with Romania in the field of military industry.

October 31, 1973

Hungarian Embassy in the DPRK, Telegram, 31 October 1973. Subject: Personal changes in the Korean leadership.

The Hungarian Embassy reports on O Jin-u's growing influence in the Korean Workers' Party.

March 7, 1967

The DPRK Attitude Toward the So-called 'Cultural Revolution' in China

The Soviet Embassy reports on the deterioration of Chinese-North Korean relations as a result of the Cultural Revolution in China.