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February 27, 1969

Memorandum from Ralph Earle, Office of International Security Affairs to Secretary of Defense Laird, 'Stopping the Introduction of Nuclear Weapons Into the Middle East'

Ralph Earle, a senior official at the Pentagon’s Office of International Security Affairs [DOD/ISA] who had worked closely with Warnke, sent Laird a memorandum, requesting a meeting with Rogers, Kissinger, and Helms on the Israeli nuclear problem. The paper further restated the recommendation to keep the issue out of the National Security Council process.

September 1950

Communist Activity

Communist parties liquidate several leaders in Syria and Lebanon, students from Lebanon contact the Security Council to call for intervention, and Lebanese and Syrian leaders follow suit.

June 3, 1993

Treaty on the Guarantees of the National Security of Ukraine in connection to its Accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons 1968 (Draft)

Draft of a legally binding agreement for national security guarantees to be signed in conjunction with Ukraine's signing of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

June 3, 1993

Letter from Foreign Minister A. Zlenko to President L. Kravchuk on Draft Treaty on Security Guarantees

The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs sends a draft of a legally binding agreement between Ukraine and the five permanent UN Security Council members to be signed in conjunction with Ukraine's accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

August 22, 1968

Rajya Sabha Q&A on Security Council Members and Assistance to Non-Nuclear States

Transcript of questions and answers between members of the Rajya Sabha and Minister of State in the Ministry of External Affairs, Shri B. R. Bhagat, on the United States, USSR, and the U.K.'s request to the Security Council for taking immediate action to assist and non-nuclear state under attack or threatened by a nuclear power.

March 25, 1974

Report, National Security Council Under Secretaries’ Committee, 'Action Plan for Implementing NSDM 235'

An interagency NSC sub-committee was exploring the problem of safeguards for sensitive nuclear exports. The problem was that an existing group, the Zangger Committee based on NPT membership, did not have a broad enough membership or scope to manage the problem and that France did not belong to the Zanggger Committee.. Under Secretaries Committee proposed “talks with other suppliers of technology and equipment in the reprocessing and enrichment fields on desirable new constraints or guidelines that should be followed.”

October 29, 1990

Record of a Conversation Between M. S. Gorbachev and President of France, F. Mitterrand

Record of conversation between Mikhail Gorbachev and Francois Mitterrand, on the subject of Saddam Hussein and his invasion of Kuwait. Both leaders stress the importance of avoiding military conflict and the necessity of a united front for the permanent members of the UN Security Council in order to achieve this. Mitterrand notes his apprehension over the US perception of UN Charter Article 51 and the possibility US initiation of hostilities.

October 1979

ZRGBS Report: Zimbabwe-Rhodesia (Z-R) Political Development

Overview of political developments in Zimbabwe-Rodesia reporting hopeful optimism that a settlement can be reached in London. The structure of newly created governing bodies is announced. Additionally it states that the chances of Nkomo winning an election are slim, and that if Mugabe comes to power a clash between ZPRA and ZANLA forces is a strong possibility. If a settlement is not reached, Zimbabwe-Rhodesia will become even more heavily dependent on South Africa.

January 24, 1974

Letter from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Viet-Nam

Vuong Van Bac requests that the United Nations Security Council take up the disputes over the Spratly and Paracel Islands.

July 4, 1985

Letter from UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to South African President P.W. Botha

Letter from Margaret Thatcher to South African State President P. W. Botha, condemning South African attacks on Angola and Gaborone, and warning of some sort of response by Britain should they continue. Also notes that Britain has offered to provide military training to Mozambique via Zimbabwe.
