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November 27, 1962

Cable from the CCP Investigation Department and the Foreign Ministry, 'Reply on the Visit of Guevara's Mother'

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation



Reply on the Visit of Guevara's Mother


To the [Chinese] Embassy in Cuba,


The cable sent on 8 November [1962] was received. Things informed by Guevara’s mother, et al., deserve our attention. After Ambassador Shen [Jian] returned to the embassy, [we] could continue to visit Cuban leaders, conduct discussions, with reference to the spirit of the homeland’s policies, and listen to their reactions earnestly. Please bring the materials, the ones handed to you by Abraham [Guillén], to the country, ASAP. When dealing with Guevara’s mother, et al., [you] should still listen more while speaking less [duoting shaoshuo].




Investigation Department [of the CCP Central Committee]

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

27 November 1962

A cable sent to the Chinese Embassy in Cuba detailing documents that are to be brought to the next meeting and advice for "dealing with Guevara's mother."

Document Information


PRC FMA 111-00601-02, 6. Translated by Zhang Qian.


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Leon Levy Foundation