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October 21, 1945

TASS News Summary, 'Radio Broadcasts'

This document was made possible with support from Blavatnik Family Foundation

[stamp: Secret Department of TASS]






BRAZZAVILLE, French, 24 October, transcript.


Last night the Soviet Ambassador in London denied a report that supposedly the Soviet press attaché had made a soothing announcement about the state of health of Generalissimo Stalin to one of the Soviet journalists.


PARIS, French, 24 October, transcript.


It is known that in America a rumor has been spreading that Marshal Stalin is dying. In authoritative circles they are stating that the State Department has not yet received any information about the health of Stalin from the US Embassy in Moscow.


ROME, Italian, 24 October, transcript.

LONDON. The Soviet Embassy in London has denied rumors about a serious illness and death of Stalin. A representative of the Soviet Embassy declared that Stalin feels fine and that he has taken a vacation.


BARI, Italian, 24 October, transcript.

Rumors circulating that Stalin has died or was seriously ill have been denied by an official representative of the Soviet Embassy in London, who declared that the state of Stalin’s health is excellent and that at the present time he is using the vacation he is due.


Three copies printed


1st copy – to Cde. I. V. Stalin

2nd copy – to Cde. V. M. Molotov

3rd copy – to file.


Outgoing Nº 512ss

24 October 1945 [handwritten: PR]

M. 429



Reports from various embassies of rumors that Stalin is ill.

Document Information


RGASPI, f. 558, d. 97, ll. 124. Translated by Gary Goldberg.


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