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August 18, 1955

Letter to CPSU Central Committee Secretary Khrushchev, from M. S. Azari  

In this letter Mir Aga Azeria accuses the Azerbaijan SSR CC Party of expelling innocent people from within the party, and he specifically accuses Mustafayev of being involved.

August 2, 1955

Letter to CPSU Central Committee Secretary Khrushchev, from Engineer and Political Émigré Mir Aga Azari

Mir Aga Azeri, an Iranian political emigre, was expelled from the Azerbayjan Democratic Party and writes to Khrushchev regarding the unsuitable leaders of the party whom he accuses of ruining the party.

September 15, 1955

Memo from I. Kozlov regarding Mir Agara Azari and the Democractic Party of Iranian Azerbaijan

This letter is in regards to Iranian political emigre Mir Aga Azari who wrote to the CPSU regarding his removal from the Democratic Party of Iranian Azerbaijan, stating that he was treated poorly by the leadership. The CP CC of Azerbaijan claimed that Azari was disruptive. The CPSU replied that they would look into it, yet Azari' reinstatement is up to the discretion of the CP CC of Azerbaijan.

September 16, 1955

Letter to the CPSU Central Committee, Translation of People's Party of Iran Article

The enclosed article was sent to CPSU CC for potential use by the newspaper "For a Durable Peace, For a People's Democracy," and celebrates the third anniversary of the 30th of Tir 1331 when the Shah was overthrown.

September 5, 1955

Letter, I. Vinogradov and I. Kozlov to the CPSU Central Committee

This letter requests that Farhad Keshavarz, member of the CC People's Party of Iran, be admitted into the First Moscow Medical Institute without examinations.

July 25, 1955

Letter to the CPSU Central Committee, Request to Recall Ali Javahari

This letter recommends the recall of Javahari because of his supposedly careless work with Iranian political emigrants that risks repression from the Austrian government. Also included is a response to the Soviet Ambassador saying that the reasons listed are not sufficient enough for a recall of Javahari.

May 21, 1955

Letter, A. Obydennov to the CPSU Central Committee

This informational note focuses on the Hekmat's past, including his education, careers, and imprisonment.

May 5, 1955

Letter, Ali Reza ekmat to CPSU Central Committee Secretary Khrushchev, via Ram, General Secretary of the People's Party of Iran

This letter from Ali Reza Hekmat requests housing and work in Moscow due to the fact that the agreed upon arrangements for his living and working in Tashkent did not come to fruition and worsened his health.

June 21, 1955

Letter, I. Vinogradov and I. Kozlov to the CPSU Central Committee

This letter requests help finding work and housing for Iranian political émigré A.R. Hemkat in Moscow after he returned dissatisfied from his post in Tashkent.

June 16, 1955

Letter, B. Ponomarev and I. Kozlov to the CPSU Central Committee

This letter requests to give Amirkhizi financial aid in addition to his salary at the Pushkin Museum of Graphic Arts.
