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January 14, 1989

National Intelligence Daily for Saturday, 14 January 1989

The CIA's National Intelligence Daily for 14 January 1989 covers developments in Afghanistan, France, Cuba, Lebanon, Syria, the Soviet Union, and China. Certain portions of the document are redacted due to b(1) and b(3) exemptions.

January 7, 1989

National Intelligence Daily for Saturday, 7 January 1989

The CIA's National Intelligence Daily for 7 January 1989 covers developments in Nicaragua, Venezuela, Panama, Libya, Lebanon, Jordan, Taiwan, the Soviet Union, and Armenia. Certain portions of the document are redacted due to b(1) and b(3) exemptions.

March 19, 1990

East Germany: Election Mandate for Near-Term Unification

An analysis of the victory of Alliance for Germany in East German elections and its effects on the political climate in both Germanys.

March 7, 1990

Hungary: Election Campaign Heating Up

An analysis of polls that indicate Free Democrats are most likely to win in Hungarian elections.

February 23, 1990

USSR: Baltic Nationalists Press Ahead

An analysis of upcoming elections in Lithuania and Estonia which will strengthen Baltic independence movements.

February 9, 1990

Eastern Europe: Pressing Soviet Troop Withdrawals

An analysis of Soviet efforts to stall troop withdrawals in Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

February 3, 1990

USSR: Estonians Call for Independence Negotiations

An analysis of Estonian movements for independence.

February 3, 1990

Hungary: Moscow Agrees to Withdraw All Troops

An analysis of the complete removal of Soviet troops and its potential effects on Hungarian elections.

February 2, 1990

Bulgaria: Prime Minster, Cabinet Resign

An analysis of the resignations of the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers and their effects on the Bulgarian political climate.

February 1, 1990

USSR: Estonian Nationalism on the Rise

An analysis of growing Estonian nationalism and Communist efforts to bolster Party support.
