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May 19, 1977

Memorandum for Jimmy Carter from Warren Christopher, 'US Policy in Korea: Withdrawal of Ground Combat Forces'

Warren Christopher sent papers on measures to sustain deterrence in Korea, summarizing major issues including ground force withdrawal schedule, defense compensation package and Air Force Deployment.

March 3, 1977

Telegram from the Secretary of State to the American Embassy in Seoul, 'Approach to Pakistanis on US-North Korean Contacts'

Stern reported that acting Foreign Minister Yoon was aware of NK-Pakistani-US communications. He reassured Yoon that the president policy of not holding discussions with North Koreans without participation of ROK had not changed.

March 2, 1977

Telegram from the American Embassy in Seoul to the Secretary of State, 'Pakistani Approach Re U.S. NK Contacts'

Stern reported that Ambassador provided President Park substance of US-Pakistani-North Korea communication.

February 28, 1977

Telegram from the American Embassy in Seoul to the Secretary of State, 'Approach to Pakistanis on US-North Korean Contacts'

Sneider reported President Park's appreciation for being informed of exchanges with Kim Il Sung. He also welcomed consistency of US position refusing direct contact with North Korea.

November 28, 1967

Letter from J.L. Stevenson to A.C. Stuart, 'East German Statements on Bonn-Pretoria Alliance'

J. L. Stevenson concludes that recent East German statements about West German/South African military cooperation, including in nuclear energy, are baseless and that the recent cooperation appears benign.

January 20, 1977

Letter from Andrew C. Nahm to President James E. Carter, January 20, 1977

Professor Nahm from Western Michigan University sent a letter to Jimmy Carter, giving two sugeestions including the elimination of the threat of nuclear weapons.

July 15, 1969

German Nuclear Work

Correspondence regarding French diplomatic reporting that West Germany was developing nuclear weapons capability. H.T. Morgan concludes that the French claims are baseless and an example of "flesh creeping" activities to discourage the United Kingdom from nuclear collaboration with West Germany

November 17, 1976

Note from Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in Oslo

The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that evidence of smuggling in the North Korean Embassy in Oslo is "incontrovertible" and the decision to expel embassy personnel "fully justified."

October 23, 1976

Note from the Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in Oslo to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

North Korea objects to the expulsion of North Korean embassy personnel from Norway and denies that any illegal smuggling took place.

February 27, 1986

Brussels to Department of External Affairs (Canada), 'Zero Option and the Europeans'

Canadian officials warned of disagreement to come between the Europeans and the Americans over the “zero option,” the longstanding proposal to reduce both US and Soviet INF to zero. This dispatch from Brussels reported “substantial unhappiness” amongst the Europeans that the United States and the Soviet Union would discuss disarmament “even if neither of them believed in it.” Nuclear deterrence had prevented war in Europe for the preceding four decades, and US-Soviet discussions of disarmament only made it even more difficult to convince public opinion of deterrence’s continued importance
