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February 19, 1986

Brussels–NATO (BNATO) to Department of External Affairs (Canada), 'Alliance Problems Over INF'

In a flurry of cables from February 1986, Canadian assessments focused on a chronic issue within NATO: consultation within the alliance. As this dispatch from Brussels concluded, paraphrasing Winston Churchill, “NATO nuclear collective consultation is the worst form, except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”

February 17, 1986

Washington, DC to Department of External Affairs (Canada), 'Alliance Problems Over INF'

In a flurry of cables from February 1986, Canadian assessments focused on a chronic issue within NATO: in consultation within the alliance. The Special Consultative Group was used as a forum to “air views of allies,” hold briefings on the current state of negotiations, and to share a new negotiating position right before it was tabled. Canadian officials also warned of disagreement to come between the Europeans and the Americans over the “zero option,” the longstanding proposal to reduce both US and Soviet INF to zero.

April 1989

Central Intelligence Agency, 'Rising Political Instability Under Gorbachev: Understanding the Problem and Prospects for Resolution: An Intelligence Assessment'

An analysis of the mounting dysfunction and political instability within the Soviet Union.

April 25, 1968

Kim Il Sung, 'On Giving Priority to the Development of Heavy Industry, A Leading Sector of the National Economy'

June 30, 1972

Kim Il Sung, 'Let Us Introduce Innovations in Heating'

November 17, 1965

Kim Il Sung, 'On the Problems of Foreign Trade and Foreign Currency'

March 19, 1971

Press Release from the Office of Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty

This press release quotes Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty as praising the Mexican government for its effectiveness in clamping down on Communist guerrillas trained in North Korea, action he sees as part of a broader effort to eliminate Russian subversive activity in the hemisphere.

February 2, 1971

Memorandum from [withheld] for Deputy Chief [withheld], 'Recent Radio Free Europe (RFE) Broadcasts to Poland' [Declassified September 19, 2016]

CIA officials responsible for RFE question the criticism of RFE Polish broadcasts by the Polish Government, the West German Government, and the State Department and conclude that coverage of the December 1970 unrest in Poland was responsible and effective.

April 27, 1967

Telegram from the American Embassy in Warsaw to the Department of State, 'Appraisal of RFE Broadcasts to Poland' [Declassified September 19, 2016]

In Warsaw Embassy Airgram A-666, US Embassy officers analyze six weeks of RFE Polish broadcasts and conclude that they support US policy objectives by informing Poles about developments in Poland and the world and encouraging evolutionary change.

March 13, 1967

Memorandum, Central Intelligence Agency, 'Guidelines on Svetlana (Stalin) Defection'

A CIA officer provides guidance to AMCOMLIB on minimal RL coverage of Svetlana’s defection and avoidance of immediate commentaries on the issue to minimize Soviet perceptions that the US is publicly exploiting the defection.
