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January 19, 1990

USSR: Foreign Ministry Says Baltics to be Independent

An analysis of the Soviet Foreign Ministry's position to establish an eight-year transition period for Baltic states' independence and to refrain from using force.

January 19, 1990

Germany: Strengthening Party-to-Party Ties

An analysis of efforts of West German political parties to shape elections in East Germany.

January 17, 1990

Special Analysis: Albania: Intimations of Another Romania

An analysis of the political climate in East/Central Europe and the Albanian President's concerns that his regime will fall.

January 16, 1990

Gorbachev's Visit to Lithuania

An analysis of Gorbachev's trip to Lithuania and his failure to stop the secession of its Communist Party from the Soviet Union.

January 16, 1990

Bulgaria: Prospects for Roundtable Talks

An analysis of roundtable talks between the Communist Party, Agrarian Party, and opposition groups.

January 13, 1990

Romania: New Regime Under Fire

An analysis of protests against the National Salvation Front and its decision to outlaw the Communist Party.

January 12, 1990

Poland: Communist Party Trying to Save Itself

An analysis of the Polish Communist Party's decision to dissolve itself and form a broader "Socialist" party.

January 11, 1990

Special Analysis: Romania: New Regime Under Fire Still has Lead

An analysis of the economic turmoil in Romania and its effects on the National Salvation Front's authority.

January 4, 1989

USSR: Gorbachev Faces Tough Test in Lithuania

An analysis of Gorbachev's effort to persuade Lithuanian Communists to remain with the National Party.

January 2, 1989

Romania: New Government Seeks to Reassure Wary Public

An analysis of the National Salvation Front's movement to consolidate power in the transition to multiparty democracy.
